Nov 2016
11:37am, 28 Nov 2016
17,962 posts
If any mathematicians would like to help me debug my Fetchagon algorithm, I'd be delighted. Drop me some feedback.
Nov 2016
11:43am, 28 Nov 2016
2,892 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
No idea about algorithms, I'm afraid, but I spotted that the hexicons fit neatly together in the UK, overlap in the North and are gappy as I move South. I presume that is all to do with the Earth being a sphere but being divided up by straight lines. (We had a chat a while ago about the conquersize boxes getting narrower as we go North.)
Is their any direct relation of the hexagons to the conqersize boxes? Or just different ways of measuring progress? Is there a hexagon game I should know about?
Nov 2016
11:47am, 28 Nov 2016
17,963 posts
There's no connection between Conquercise and Fetchagons. I was asked a while ago if I could do something that would summarise running over a time period. I started by just drawing all the routes on top of each other on the map - but over a large period of time, it got pretty heavy. So the hexagons are a compromise.
Nov 2016
12:23pm, 28 Nov 2016
12,571 posts
This has helped me discover some new words (aside from Fetchagon ;-)).
Apothem: the distance from the centre of a regular polygon to the centre of one of its sides.
Apothegm: a terse, pithy, instructive saying.
Sagitta: the distance from the centre of a circular arc to the centre of its base. So if you have, say, a hexagon, with a circle drawn touching its vertices; the sagitta is the extension of the apothem to the circumference.
Nov 2016
1:16pm, 28 Nov 2016
12,575 posts
(Yes, I do have too much time on my hands .)
Using the route mapping tool, I think that where I am (around 56N) the Fetchagons are slightly elongated heightwise. They have a horizontal side of around 53m (diagonal 106m) which should give them a height of around 92m, but the measured height is around 95m ie plus c 3%.
Nov 2016
1:22pm, 28 Nov 2016
5,855 posts
paul the builder
Fetch - I assume you have solved a very similar problem previously for Conquercise? I assume you make those 'squares' of equal size in an angular sense - same number of minutes/seconds throughout. Same thing should work with hexagons; it's going to make it look a bit ugly though (all of us who don't live near the equator will have irregular hexagons).
You could bale out and use 'squares' like conquercise (but smaller)
Nov 2016
6:55pm, 28 Nov 2016
674 posts
Shortcut Cam
You're right Fetch, runanempire stole Conquercise. Well at least the idea of controlling zones.
Nov 2016
9:31pm, 28 Nov 2016
683 posts
I like the hexagons, but I seem to have quite a lot of non-contiguous ones along routes where I have run. I presume this is something to do with GPS sampling but it looks a bit strange.
My Maltese hexagons also don't join up east-west and overlap slightly north-south.
Are we going to be able to name and fight over hexagons soon?
Dec 2016
10:29am, 6 Dec 2016
1,257 posts
Fragile Glass Bauble
Are we still supposed to be getting notifications if we lose control of a zone? I just noticed my number of owned zones went down by one in the last couple of days. I'm guessing it was one near my old house that I've lost due to the last visit being a year ago.
Dec 2016
10:33am, 6 Dec 2016
18,020 posts
You get one if it's lost due to the action of another player, but not from the ones that drop off the 365 day cliff.