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Chest running torch recommendations (or head torch)

11 watchers
Nov 2021
1:14pm, 13 Nov 2021
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Nov 2021
3:15pm, 15 Nov 2021
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It sure does.
I know Lumolite has been talking about there are some copycats, but i don't know if they are the same performance vise.

i'm very satisfied with Lumolite anyhow.
Nov 2021
10:27pm, 18 Nov 2021
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So clear tonight with a full moon, I turned my headtorch off entirely, and had just as good a view of the trails as normal. A great experience when you can do that.
Nov 2021
6:27am, 19 Nov 2021
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I do that to, really nice.
Nov 2021
6:43am, 19 Nov 2021
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Little Miss Happy
Sorry if it's been asked before (don't have enough time to read through the thread just now) does anyone have a chest torch that will adjust to be small enough for a size 4 woman to wear without it bouncing around?
Nov 2021
8:25am, 19 Nov 2021
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Sorry if it's been asked before (don't have enough time to read through the thread just now) does anyone have a chest torch that will adjust to be small enough for a size 4 woman to wear without it bouncing around?

Little Miss Happy

I ended up with this one as recommended by panad amazon.co.uk

I'm very much not a size 4😁, however I've just got it out to have a look at it and tried to see how much I can adjust the straps. There is a lot of adjustment and I could almost half the size of the strap, so could definitely be used by someone a lot smaller.

Only done a couple of runs with it on and it is unnoticeable when wearing it. The only thing I would say is that the light does swing around a lot compared to a head torch. It is still firmly in place, but if you have a particularly ungainly running style like me it of course follows your body.

Does it still light the way? Yes, buy I would imagine it could be slightly disorienting for some people. Of course if you have a more compact running style then it will be less of an issue. Overall it is a winner so far for me.

I also bought the Alpkit Gamma iii head torch which Mrs Bonners has used once so far and liked it, I'm going to give that a go on my next night time run to see hot it compares.
Nov 2021
2:29pm, 19 Nov 2021
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Little Miss Happy
Thanks bonners. I've tried a headtorch but don't get on with them. My husband has the Decathlon chest torch which he likes but unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere near small enough to be useful for me.
Nov 2021
2:47pm, 19 Nov 2021
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LMH, I’m a size 6 and I have bought 3 chest lights, all different brands, and none of them can be tightened far enough to fit me, they all bounce around. I’ve given up now, I don’t think the chest light exists to fit size 6, let alone size 4.
Nov 2021
2:58pm, 19 Nov 2021
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What's the problem with the head torch then Miss Happy. Maybe just find the brand for you?
There are many types of head bands, and battery packs, and size and what not.
Nov 2021
3:49pm, 19 Nov 2021
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panad Velociraptor

I'm just wondering if either of you can answer the question with regards to how much adjustment there is on the body torch for LMH?

About This Thread

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This was going to be a thread recommending me a lightweight head torch. However a comment from a fellow fetchie (thanks V'rap) got me thinking about chest torches instead. Having done a bit of research the only downfall I can see is that some of them seem to rock around a bit much, especially if you have a bit of a random up and down gait. So I wondered if anybody had used them and had any particular success or failures with any particular model, particularly with regard to lighting the...
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