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Head Torches

21 watchers
Aug 2014
4:18pm, 21 Aug 2014
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I use a Alpkit Gamma but I am looking for something a bit brighter. I have just ordered one of the torches posted by the_Saint above. Worth a punt at £5.
Aug 2014
4:38pm, 21 Aug 2014
521 posts
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If you want Hope R4 brightness at 10% of the price take a look at these, CREE XM-L XML T6 LED 1800 Lm Head Light


You can carry the battery on the back of your headstrap but I tend to use a battery harness so that it sits in the middle of my back, doesn't alter my balance and is no heavier on your head than a petzl or on things like BG support I pop it the top of my sac. Battery life on lower (but perfectly adequate) settings is sufficient for 5-6 hours at least. I also find mine great for use on a MTB, either handlebar or helmet mounted. For less than £15 they are fantastic value for money. I use mine daily during the winter and I currently have two, one of which has already lasted over 3 years.

If I want something smaller I'm a fan of the LED Lenser SE07-R, the rechargeable version. I like the fact that I can recharge it using a USB lead in the car. It great when I need to carry it unused for a long while (LL50) or for running on reasonably good off-road surfaces but if I'm doing something like night orienteering I much prefer the CREE.
Aug 2014
4:49pm, 21 Aug 2014
522 posts
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oh! and a little tip if your looking for LED Lensers. Rather than buying through a running outlet have a look at uktoolcentre. They seem to be consistently cheaper by around 15%. :-)
Aug 2014
8:00pm, 21 Aug 2014
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I loved my Petzl Myo XP before I had a Gamma but heavier batteries and dimmer light meant I never used it once I had the Gamma, then along came the £5 Cree Lenser clone and I sold the Gamma and the Petzl. The thing with headtorches is that it is very easy to be impressed with the next one you buy, not realising that there is always something better and cheaper.
Having said that the rechargeable Lenser H7R.2 looks very nice

Aug 2014
8:28pm, 21 Aug 2014
14,661 posts
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I've got the rechargeable lenser from the tool centre, not that impressed with the battery life though
Aug 2014
8:34pm, 21 Aug 2014
2,393 posts
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LED Lenser non rechargeable is excellent.
Aug 2014
11:50pm, 21 Aug 2014
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I believe that the rechargeable also runs on normal batteries
Aug 2014
11:55pm, 21 Aug 2014
15,172 posts
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the RXP has an adaptor which allows it to run on 3xAAA but with the loss of reactive modes. I've just got two rechargeable batteries for it which would do 3 nights if needs be, and are lighter than using AAAs.

I might get the adaptor if I need to do any long trips to give flexibility to buy batteries on the go.

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