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New Alpkit Headtorch

5 watchers
Sep 2014
10:21am, 11 Sep 2014
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fell running guide
The Alpkit Gamma has been around for a couple of years and is popular as a very cheap torch if you don't need anything too bright. They have now launched a slightly brighter torch - the Viper. I've run with both on easy trails. My thoughts here fellrunningguide.co.uk
Sep 2014
10:25am, 11 Sep 2014
30,802 posts
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£12.50 and 97g! On non-technical night running events, it would almost be worth carrying two or three of them rather than extra batteries, and it's twice as bright as the light I currently have. Thanks :)
Sep 2014
11:00am, 11 Sep 2014
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Shred Betty
Great review FRG - I use the Led Lenser SEO 5, was thinking of getting the Gamma as a backup, but I think the Viper might suit me better - I'm used to the batteries being in the front so that shouldn't bother me. At the moment I take a handheld and spare batteries, but the battery compartment on the Led Lenser is a pain in the behind to open, so a backup seems like a better option, especially for £12.50!
May 2015
1:48pm, 6 May 2015
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Interesting review. Now uprated to 125 lumens. Gamma and Viper both now £17.

There's also another two headtorches, a basic one at £12.50 and the Arc, 190 lumens for £32.50. Interesting to see what you thought of that, or would you maybe think it less worthwhile as it was crossing over with the more expensive brands? (I have the Manta, which is discontinued. Pity, as it had a couple of features not on the other lights.)
May 2015
11:12pm, 7 May 2015
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I have bought at least 6 Gammas and agree that for the money they are excellent but you can get brighter for less money on EBay with Chinese LED Lenser clones that are surprisingly well made and light e.g.
Sep 2016
5:46pm, 5 Sep 2016
777 posts
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Bit of a bump, I have Arc and think it's very good for the price. Easy to swap batteries too.
Sep 2016
7:54am, 14 Sep 2016
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Fell Running Guide
I believe Alpkit will be upgrading the Gamma and Viper later this year with more power. Be interesting to see what they're like.

rhb - agree, the Arc is good if you want something a bit bulkier and the battery swap is a great feature!
Sep 2016
8:38am, 14 Sep 2016
21,256 posts
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I was just thinking about another head torch for dog walks over the winter. We have a gamma but it sounds like we could do with a couple of vipers too. Do I wait for upgrade though....

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
The Alpkit Gamma has been around for a couple of years and is popular as a very cheap torch if you d...
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