Mar 2012
10:14am, 9 Mar 2012
1,664 posts
Tricky I'm not sure what roads they are closing. If forced I would park in the Grafton Centre personally - you used to go in on East Road (probably not shut) and can get to the Common easily by walking through. Will be expensive. Check the closures though I could be talking of an impossible task and I don't live there any more just go back for visits. Local roads in Cambridge are often residents parking only but that doesn't apply on Sundays
Mar 2012
10:19am, 9 Mar 2012
952 posts
The great dollop
Legal parking ? Might be at the grafton shopping centre. Lots of dodgy local stuff but things will have changed since I last looked. Ndellar - lived just over the bridge at the fort...through the 80's
How about a fetch huddle outside midsummer house restuarant - next to the fort st George pub? Easy to find but away from the bridge enough so it's not crowded?
Mar 2012
5:45pm, 9 Mar 2012
91 posts
Beware of going anywhere around East Road - gas main works so temporary traffic lights. At that time in the morning on sunday it may well be okay, but I'm not sure I'd rely on going that way. Don't count on finding off street parking, but if you need then De Freville Avenue sometimes has space. Otherwise it probably depends which direction you come from. From the south then I'd aim for the Queen Anne opposite Parker's Piece. I'll be on my bike I'm afraid, and hoping I can cycle home after the race...
Mar 2012
5:51pm, 9 Mar 2012
3,414 posts
I'm going to bike the course tomorrow and I'll check the situation then. In the meantime, here's a link to the road closures listed on Cambridgeshire CC* website. If you can't get into the Grafton Centre, try Queen Anne Terrace. It's an extra 10 minutes walk but it's cheaper than either of the Grafton Centre car parks. I'd still be tempted to use the park and ride services and just buy an ordinary ticket.
(*The county council, not the cricket club.)
Mar 2012
6:55pm, 9 Mar 2012
726 posts
Anyway I think Park n' Ride is normally cheaper than £3 innit?
And do we REALLY have to get P&R at 7am?
Mar 2012
7:05pm, 9 Mar 2012
973 posts
I'm leaving home at 6am and hope *fingers x'd* to be in Cambridge for 8ishish
Mar 2012
7:41pm, 9 Mar 2012
82 posts
Right, decision made, I'm definitey out of this one. I've been poorly all week, had a couple of days off work and I really wouldn't do myself justice. Personally, I think RMO3B tried to poison me with her homemade granola at the Fetch mile last week.
Good luck to everyone running, it'll will be a fantastic race - hope you all get pb's.
.....and if my humble opinion counts for you out-of-townies, park and ride - easy decision.
Right, where's that bottle of red?
Mar 2012
8:46pm, 9 Mar 2012
953 posts
The great dollop
PowerJen, I think the service starts at 7am, but it's not just one bus at 7am (well I hope it's not !).
Personally I'm going to go from the Milton P&R at about 8am as my Dad lives in Milton now. Should be at the start by 8:15 - plenty of time for the constitutionals. (Normal price is £2.70 I think) Experience of working at events seems 90% of people turn up with about 35mins to go so if you're there with an hour to go you usually beat most people getting there. Whoever gets on a 7am bus needs their head seeing to, but I can't fault the organisers for covering the bases.
Mar 2012
8:47pm, 9 Mar 2012
3,418 posts
Arse, Stiggers. Enjoy your tipple and get well soon.
Mar 2012
10:35pm, 9 Mar 2012
783 posts
Mark J
Missed the cut off for this so won't be running this year but a truly massive good luck to you all. I hope you all do really well and I look forward to hearing daring tales of pb's for weeks to come.