C Block - there's no place like it.

1 lurker | 97 watchers
Dec 2019
12:15pm, 20 Dec 2019
18,659 posts
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You find a question on an ethics test that shows that the setters of the test don't understand the nature of data or spreadsheets.

You should:
Go home
Go home and have a drink
Take your colleagues to the pub on your way home
Dec 2019
12:24pm, 20 Dec 2019
1,538 posts
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[ I'm puzzled ... all the 'ethics' modules* I ever did, the right answer was always 'report it to your manager' or 'report it to HR'.
I've no idea what to do if one of those isn't an option. ]

[ * which in my view were designed & implemented purely to keep the company out of court in the event of any problems, as in 'well, they took the mandatory training so the employee is at fault, not us' ]
Dec 2019
11:16am, 23 Dec 2019
10,904 posts
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Hi all,

Please be advised that there is going to be an ilocker server migration taking place on Thursday 2nd Jan, 10am-1pm. During this time all lockers will be inaccessible.

Please ensure that any belongings needed for the day are removed before this time.

Kind regards,
Dec 2019
1:41pm, 23 Dec 2019
5,240 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
(iLockers? Blimey)
Dec 2019
3:31pm, 23 Dec 2019
10,905 posts
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Dec 2019
4:22pm, 23 Dec 2019
11,770 posts
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[There'll probably come a point where they are incompatible with any running shoes built more than 6 months ago and Dave's life will be ruined]
Jan 2020
2:22pm, 2 Jan 2020
324 posts
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[Protecting your family online, training]

What can we do as parents to set a good example for our children?

We should share as much information as possible on our social media accounts
We should make fun of or publicly shame others online
We should never text on a mobile device while driving
Jan 2020
12:44pm, 6 Jan 2020
3,704 posts
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Hello all

Does anyone have or know where the boxes for the Christmas decorations are?
Jan 2020
12:47pm, 6 Jan 2020
3,705 posts
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An xx event has been raised due to Christmas Lights not being switched off at the end of the day,

If you have lights in your area that are plugged into the mains, can you please ensure that these are turned off before you leave the office.

It's also good practice to switch off all electrical equipment such as phone chargers, monitors and PC's at the end of the day to save energy and reduce the risk of fires.

Please take a few moments at the end of the day to check your areas. There is no need to turn off the Xerox copiers as these will power down and go into sleep mode when they are not in use.
Jan 2020
3:58pm, 6 Jan 2020
22,366 posts
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Got to love a not-out-of-the-office autoresponse


Thank you for your email.

It's my first day back in the office after a two-week break.

I am working through the email mountain as fast as possible from oldest to newest so if I am a little delayed in responding please accept my apologies. I will get to you as soon as I can.

Kind regards

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
Amplify your influence, further inspire your team, enhance your leadership skills and develop a competitive edge for your organisation.

The session will support you in considering the organisational culture you are creating. We will consider how you can ensure people are collaborating and innovating effectively and you will gain an understanding of how to motivate and engage teams after/during a period of such huge uncertainty.

You will be given assessment tools to use following the session that will allow you to critique your approach and gain feedback from your teams to ensure the approach you are taking is motivating and challenging whilst supportive.

Find out more and book your place here

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