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The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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C Block - there's no place like it.

2 lurkers | 97 watchers
Sep 2008
10:03am, 24 Sep 2008
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For approximately the next two weeks builders will be carrying out alterations to the front steps at the entrance to C Block and during this time there will be no access through the front doors. Temporary pac access has been given to all staff members through Central RPU, using the doors to the front and rear of their parade room.

If you are expecting visitors during this period, please ask them to report to the the Security Guard in order that he can let you know they are on site. Signs will be erected directing visitors to the rear of the building, where they can be met and guided through the building.

The Sandwich Van will also be parking in the rear car park during this period.
Sep 2008
10:04am, 24 Sep 2008
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Sir, Yes Sir!
Sep 2008
10:13am, 24 Sep 2008
1,135 posts
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If an Authorised Person, Skilled Person and / or Contractor Skilled Person has lost the key to a fitted safety lock this MUST be reported to the Control Engineer, Electrical (EDM). The Control Engineer will record this as an incident in the Systems Operating Records. On NO account should any safety lock(s) be removed other than by approval of the Control Engineer. The Control Engineer is the only person vested with the ability to conclude that Electrical Safety will not be compromised as a result of the removal of the lock(s) and ensure that any associated safety documentation is cancelled.

A request to remove redundant safety lock(s), where the key cannot be located, shall also be made to the Control Engineer. The Control Engineer, or their nominated representative, will then carry out an investigation before giving approval to remove the lock. The electrical circuit MUST be tested and an appropriate test certificate issued before restoring supplies. The investigating report, together with the test certificate, will be sent to the Authorising Authority (Electrical). A scanned copy of the test certificate will be held by the Control Engineer.

Unauthorised removal of safety lock(s) shall be considered to be gross misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Sep 2008
10:18am, 24 Sep 2008
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Good effort, Chris.
Sep 2008
11:56am, 25 Sep 2008
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FYI - There appears to be an intermittent fault when dialling external and internal numbers. This has been reported to IT who are carrying out checks.
Sep 2008
1:32pm, 25 Sep 2008
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Is anyone going over to HQ either today or tomorrow, who can pop into K Block to pick up a bag of chargers from Grant Eaton (in IT) for me, it would be greatly appreciated J

Many Thanks
Sep 2008
1:34pm, 25 Sep 2008
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I was wondering where the sandwich van was going to be.
Oct 2008
9:08am, 1 Oct 2008
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Would all members of staff please note that no vehicles should be parked outside the kitchen door at the rear of C Block, this is a designated no parking zone. Whilst work is being carried out to the front of the building, this area can be used for disabled parking only. There are sufficient spaces in the rear car park for all other vehicles behind those designated for Central RPU.
Oct 2008
9:13am, 1 Oct 2008
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Dear All,

I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but I am leaving the Commissioning Department this Thursday (2nd Oct) to embark on an 18 month secondment with the EPP.

I know I will see most of you around as I will only be at VHC; however by special request (insistence) I have been asked to do something to celebrate my move (after 4 years).

If you would like to join me I will be doing two things on Thursday;

Lunchtime 12.30pm at La Cucina

and / or

Evening 5pm onwards at the Plume of Feathers for a few drinks

If you are interested in attending the lunchtime meal, let me know so that I can provide the restaurant with a rough idea of how many tables will be required.

You are all welcome.

Best wishes,

Oct 2008
9:24am, 1 Oct 2008
6,843 posts
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Dear all

Just a reminder that there will be a lot of CICADA activity in the
area around the kitchen and on the Atrium Bridge today.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Kind regards

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