Jan 2012
4:28pm, 6 Jan 2012
7,069 posts
Keefy Beefy
I don't think there's anything in the world that I couldn't be underwhelmed by
Jan 2012
4:29pm, 6 Jan 2012
8,625 posts
paul a
I hope Trin will pop in and give her view - I know it is much more positive than mine.
Jan 2012
4:53pm, 6 Jan 2012
16,041 posts
I now understand why Keef's Self Motivational DVD series never sold.
Jan 2012
4:54pm, 6 Jan 2012
7,073 posts
Keefy Beefy
It was just me sat on a sofa, drunk, scoffing a sack of Doritos Tangy Cheese and watching Come Dine With Me.
Jan 2012
5:30pm, 6 Jan 2012
1,150 posts
I did Boston in 2010 and loved it. However, it does have alot of hoopla attached to it; some of which is justified and some of which is not. Heartbreak hill is over-hyped as are the Newton hills generally. The course it very tough not because of the Newton hills but the very undulating and generally negative gradient of the preceding eighteen miles that mash your quads and which make the Newton hills so challenging, rather than the hills themselves.
I would like to do Boston again and thought the organisation was superb; mind you, you certainly pay for it. It's the only one of the Majors I have done so I cannot compare to others.
Jan 2012
9:53pm, 6 Jan 2012
25,357 posts
Foxy Davy
We all have different opinions - I loved Amsterdam but then found Barcelona & Prague overated.
I actually prefer Chicago to NYC & will let you know my Boston opinions on April 16th.
Jan 2012
10:13pm, 6 Jan 2012
1,151 posts
NYC is going to be a bugger to enter after 2012. Curently for me the qualifying standard is 02:55, which I have an outside chance of making; from 2013 it drops to 02:45!
Jan 2012
10:16pm, 6 Jan 2012
25,361 posts
Foxy Davy
I'd heard that with so many gauranteed places on the 4 or 5 strikes & your in rule they'll be maxed out hence the change.
That 10 mins will cut numbers greatly.
Jan 2012
10:49pm, 6 Jan 2012
1,864 posts
Sweaty Frank
Interesting discussions. I don't know if Boston is overrated. I suppose it depends on your sources of information about the race. This will be my fifth consecutive year and the reason I keep going back is because the total experience is wonderful. The crowds are big and supportive. The race organisation is top-shelf. The race is steeped in history, and I love running the same streets as some of the legends of marathoning. The course is challenging for its front-loaded quad-busting downhills, followed by the hills of Newton then a relatively flat (and race-able if you have run smart through Heartbreak) final six miles.
I completely support tightening the qualifying times. It is a special marathon, and needs to maintain that status by making sure only very good runners need apply. Sorry if that sounds cold and unfeeling.
Jan 2012
10:56pm, 6 Jan 2012
25,366 posts
Foxy Davy
Athens is similar has all the history great start & finish & a dull 20 odd miles of dual carriageway in between !!