Boston Marathon 2012

14 watchers
Jan 2012
3:57pm, 6 Jan 2012
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Naomi P
I've been looking into the Boston qualifications given the changes.

For 2012, if you entered based on a qualifying time, then applicants with times of 1 minute 14 seconds better than their age bracket standard were accepted.

Eg. if I'd entered as a senior female under the 3:40 standard, then I would have needed a 3:38:45 time to guarantee entry.

The wrinkle is you don't know how good you need to be until the ballot closes. And the times tighten from 2013, senior female standard goes to 3:35, so to be comfortable of guaranteeing entry* I'd want to run a good 5 minutes clear.

*Now everyone's had more notice of tightening times, and the staggered registration process, I reckon lots of people will have been training harder to improve their qualifying PBs. It may well be more than 1:14 for 2013 entry.
Jan 2012
3:59pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
For all the undoubted history, I still reckon Boston is overrated.
Jan 2012
4:03pm, 6 Jan 2012
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Naomi P
Come on then, I've been doing enough speaking my mind lately, it's your turn. Why's it over-rated? ie. what can I say to my Yank colleagues to get them off my back about this race?
Jan 2012
4:05pm, 6 Jan 2012
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For a start it's in America

Secondly its a bloody long way - 26.2 miles

Three they don't like tea in Boston

I could go on.
Jan 2012
4:11pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
It might have been the miserable weather in 2007 but I was a little disappointed with the whole experience. Perhaps it was because it was built up as the 'holy grail' with all the BQ hype around it. The organization was average for a WMM event and it lacked the atmosphere of NY or VLM. Appreciate it is a big city marathon run largely outside a big city but apart from Wellesley and Heartbreak Hill the support was nothing specialand the route was narrow and dull. Even HH was not as I expected and I was surprised at how small and easy it was - in fact I got to the top and wasn't sure if that was it or not. Nothing really poor about it but I was a little underwhelmed. I know this is not the majority view but I would much rather do NY or VLM than Boston. Glad I did it but no desire to rush back.

<collects kindling ready to be burnt at the stake as a marathon heretic>
Jan 2012
4:12pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
*prepares to be burnt at the stake as a marathon heretic*
Jan 2012
4:21pm, 6 Jan 2012
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Naomi P
Everyone's entitled to their opinions. I thought Amsterdam was pretty lacking.

Good commentary on it, thank you. Those "hills" do get massively built up by the masses who only run one or two flat big city races, like those who complain about the "climb" out of the Blackfriars underpass in VLM.
Jan 2012
4:24pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
On Heartbreak you have good support and people cheering 'Gotta beat the hill' which is fun but tbh it isn't much more than a lump - it is more testing because of where it comes in the race but I was expecting something like the hill at mile 6 of the DD.
Jan 2012
4:24pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
I thought Amsterdam was a dull course too.
Jan 2012
4:25pm, 6 Jan 2012
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paul a
Apologies to all heading out for this year's race, it is worth the trip and I'm sure you will appreciate the heritage and experience more than me.

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Maintained by Foxy
Entries to the worlds oldest marathon open today - this was full in 8 hours last year !!!


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