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Boston Marathon 2014

9 watchers
Apr 2014
3:10pm, 23 Apr 2014
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SPKoF - That is great, given what you posted before the race. Hope the injury is better soon.

57.5 and PCleasby - well done on sub 3s. Fantastic.

OaS - sorry that it wasn't your race.

I'm also back home now. I was there for the experience and for the downhills but not after a hard race as Comrades is getting close. Superb practice for that - the Newton hills are just like the minor hills on the Comrades course (the ones that they don't give names to) - I loved that bit. Wellesley College was insane but brilliant. The heat was good training for me. I was sweltering as I wore my long sleeved top from the Expo to make the most of those conditions. Also gloves for about 15 miles. In all a brilliant race and 3:47 was a good outcome for me as I would have been happy with anything under 4 hours.
Apr 2014
3:29pm, 25 Apr 2014
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Sweaty Frank
Congrats to all! Time to recover, now. SPKoF, I hope you get well soon. Having done all of my long-runs in Arctic conditions, I was not acclimated to the warm weather on race day. Cramps in my left calf forced me to slow down nearly a minute per mile from Heartbreak to the end, so I finished with a somewhat disappointing 3:14. Still, I felt like a I had the strength to run if not for the cramps, so that's encouraging.
Apr 2014
12:34pm, 28 Apr 2014
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Race report.

Apr 2014
4:03pm, 28 Apr 2014
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Well done guys - I was also there in 13 & 2014. Unfinshed business brought me back - nothing to do with the bombing, just ddin't run it well 1st time out.

Made amends this time and finished with an 8min + PB 3:12:54 and 16th in division (60-64) so pleased with that effort.

Ran a conservative 1st half in 1:35:xx and finished in 1:37:xx despite a comfort break/walk through drink at 17m and a couple of mini stops for gels over last 6 miles. I don't think my pacing suffered overall because I can't see the "blips" in my pacing over that last stretch.

Best bit was drafting down towards CITGO sign at 6:45 min/m pace behind a fast finishing Brazilian guy. Crowds roaring their heads off as we were the fastest moving through that section.....magic.

Crowds were unbelievable all the way and if I had collected a dollar for every "shout out" of my name, we would have flown home on a private jet.
Apr 2014
4:59pm, 29 Apr 2014
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Excellent run MKS!

I ran close to you most of the way PCleasby, in your fairly distinctive vest. I was sporting a couple of Scottish flags front and back.
Apr 2014
4:20am, 30 Apr 2014
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Having now read the blog it sounds like we had very similar experiences and times until mile 23. I pushed myself close to the edge but did not drop off the cliff, however if I'd had to walk any further after the finish without water I would have added to the queue in the Medical Tent.
Apr 2014
10:50pm, 30 Apr 2014
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Cheers Folks. You should have given me a shout 57.5! Looking at your pbs you are just that little bit quicker than me and so it proved again at Boston. It was a tough run but even 10 days later I'm still on a massive high.

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Maintained by Once a Sprinter ...
Just received my deferred runner email as a 2013 non-finisher.

Definitely planning to return next...
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