Dec 2016
7:05pm, 19 Dec 2016
27,151 posts
What year was it published?
Dec 2016
7:05pm, 19 Dec 2016
88,330 posts
Oh lordy. Badgo - you know what I'm reading next I assume?
Dec 2016
7:06pm, 19 Dec 2016
27,152 posts
1943. I was minus 19 so I wont make it on my Book For Each Year plan...
Dec 2016
7:12pm, 19 Dec 2016
13,879 posts
Dr TinselD
No don't do Judy Blume unless you are 12.
Dec 2016
7:16pm, 19 Dec 2016
7,873 posts
Yup, Grep, you mentioned it a few pages back. I actually really enjoyed Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained; everything of his I read after that had something I found really annoying in it, and a certain plot twist in TRD was the end for me. But you may react completely differently, of course.
Dio, there was a hilarious Dick Francis review in the Times in the late '80s which started with the reviewer declaring that reviewers usually try to pretend that they have actually read the whole book, and he was honestly declaring that he hadn't even started it. His argument was that he didn't need to read it to know what it was like (listing the Francis Formula); in particular, he knew that it would make an upcoming transatlantic flight feel at least two hours shorter if he could resist the temptation to start it before then.
Dec 2016
9:07pm, 19 Dec 2016
11,996 posts
I think I read something by Dick Francis once, but can't remember anything about it, not even whether I liked it.
Judy Blume - yes, Younger Daughter had some Judy Blume and I read some to or with her, or just out of curiosity to see what it was she was devouring so avidly. When she was reading in order to fall asleep, she used to like something she'd read dozens of time before.
Doesn't seem to be any JB on her shelf now. May have been passed on to my niece.
Dec 2016
9:22pm, 19 Dec 2016
13,887 posts
Dr TinselD
I used to read her to fall asleep, especially at exam time.
Dec 2016
8:35am, 22 Dec 2016
13,979 posts
Dr TinselD
Finished The Passion. I had read it before. I liked it but will say more on the thread.
We need a new choosinator soon....
Dec 2016
9:37am, 22 Dec 2016
7,091 posts
Seven Little Nemos a-swimming
I am half way through The Passion so I'll definitely finish it on time.
Recently finished The Wolves of London which was an odd horror/fantasy book. Most of the dialogue was unbelievably clunky and it was more plot-driven than character based. It's actually the first part of a trilogy but I don't think I'll bother with the next 2.
Just started an Anita Shreve book - The Lives of Stella Bain. It's about an American volunteer nurse in the 1st World War who wakes up with amnesia. I like the way it's written but it's an odd story so far.
Dec 2016
11:40am, 22 Dec 2016
10,448 posts
Stephen King was my guilty secret as a teenager - but now it turns out, critical opinion is they might not always like the subject area, but he can write well!