I had a go at a pull up 🤣🤣🤣 The book suggests if that is too hard, then to jump up to the top position then control the release. No chance yet.
I know this thread is specifically "bodyweight" but have you got any resistance bands that you can use to do a bit of anti-gravity work and help your pull ups GM?
(Loop it round the pull up bar and hook your knee in and it reduces the weight. It's no different to starting low then building up weights on a barbell as your strength increases)
When you’re hanging is it a “slack” hang or an active hang? Slack is where your grabbing the bar and everything else is relaxed. Active is where your trying to snap the bar, are squeezing your abs & glutes & pulling your shoulder blades back and down diagonally (think left shoulder blade to right back pocket right shoulder blade to left back pocket) If you’re slack hanging try active hangs before trying the eccentric segment of the pull up. It’s the first part of most pulling movement.
I'm using a resistance band, Nellers. It made the hanging possible. I should maybe move onto hanging without the resistance band now I'm a bit stronger.
It's a "slack" hang, so I'll work on making it active, thanks HK.
No worries. They are significantly more difficult because they activate much more muscle tissue across a large area, there’s a lot of coordination required. They can be disheartening but they are well worth the effort.
Went the basics section of the SoC site to train yesterday & did stuff I’ve not done for a while: round the world press ups, ring rows, YTWs, active hangs, kneeling superman...I’m paying for it today. Surprisingly tough but I actually feel better for it. Maybe it was concentrating on the movement & doing it correctly rather than trying to thug through it.
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