Sep 2023
5:31am, 12 Sep 2023
46,702 posts
Yes I finish most my runs with a cool down walk, especially the long run
Sep 2023
6:28am, 12 Sep 2023
273 posts
Top and tail for me the lsr with walking
Sep 2023
2:34pm, 12 Sep 2023
46,742 posts
Please can I run some things by you and ask a couple of questions.
From my position as a not very good but wanting to improve runner these are the following sessions that I think would be the elements of a plan
Hard sessions long runs intervals hill work race (effort)
base runs (eg commute) recovery runs
medium or are these hard? tempo farlek
I think that you should only do 1-2 hard sessions a week (for me as I am (ATM!) not very good, overweight and slow!) never do 2 hard sessions back to back recovery day after long run
Does the above sound reasonable?
Also what about extras - when or how to fit these in, are they all needed? Upper body strength Lower body strength core yoga glute work body weight work
I am hoping that I don't have many weeks left working my current way (hoping to go part time in Nov) which is why I am thinking about plans
ATM I do
Monday - strength
Tuesday - run commute with a bit of faster stuff on way home - 8-9m totally typically Wednesday - strength Thursday - run commute with a bit of faster stuff on way home - 8-9m totally typically Friday - rest maybe a walk Saturday - short (5k) maybe an effort if on a cut back week and doing a shorter LSR Sunday - long run (1 week off taper so these will be reducing)
I feel I should be more structure in my "extras". Over winter I will be doing a 5m race series and would like to get to under 60mins and as close to my 52 min PB as possible. I will also be trying to lose more weight!
Sorry for the long post thanks a lot
Sep 2023
5:21pm, 12 Sep 2023
19,361 posts
Wiser heads than mine may well be along. Your 'ground rules' are sound although I count tempo runs as hard. I think strength work is important, both as a runner, and as (forgive me) a female of a certain age. It doesn't need to be lots - I do 2 or 3 20 minute sessions a week depending on time available. I would personally keep your run commutes as easy miles - which are really important! You need a rest day - walking is good recovery as was mentioned earlier. Cutback weeks are important too and for me, where the magic happens!
Sep 2023
6:31pm, 12 Sep 2023
274 posts
I think the key(s) are:
1. Consistency (over time). 2. (Within the week) variability. 3. Applicability (training should be applicable to the 'A' race.
Sep 2023
7:33pm, 12 Sep 2023
46,754 posts
That reassuring thank you
My run home tonight felt easy with hr at 76% but was, for me, fast and was a progressive run. Loved it
Definitely lots to think about when I finally know what life will let me do!
Sep 2023
9:38pm, 12 Sep 2023
19,363 posts
Have to say EP that progressive runs are my absolute favourite - they give me such a mental lift as well as the physical
Sep 2023
5:40am, 13 Sep 2023
46,757 posts
It was all the better as it wasn't planned at all it just happened the last mile is normally quicker as that's mainly downhill but the rest was really pleasing
Oct 2023
4:23pm, 3 Oct 2023
36,859 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
SOD just going back spot on I do it myself sometimes. But I do the majority of my long runs between MP + 60 secs or + 90 secs.
When I wanna sharpen I do MP plus 30-45 then progressing to MP about halfway and finish string last few miles. Maybe did my long runs too hard this year as I ran out of lolly about 18/19.
I have to laugh at the people in club who run a 5k at 23-24 mins and do their long runs at 8.30-40. But actually end up with a 4.45marathon (they obviously start at 8.20-30). I even had someone say I can’t understand it I felt so good I did a 5k and 10k pb along the way. 🙈
Oct 2023
11:15am, 4 Oct 2023
47,517 posts
hey me again
I'm going to be changing to part time soon and was wondering on opinions. I currently run commute twice a week finishing my AM run at 7.30 then starting the evening 4.45ish
My new hours will be 8-1 4 days (m tu th fr)
would I be better to walk in each day and run home (possibly doing a long run and or hill work and or intervals) thereby walking in when dark and running home in light. Then possibly progress to the In being run walk?
Or stick to 2 days like now but with a shorter recovery between runs and therefore keeping all runs easy?
when I say better I mean what would I get the best return from? I am thinking plan A as I can run faster or do quality?
Then on the wed I would do a proper strength session and not run with longer run Sunday