Welcome to this year’s 700 thread: 700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient. Training goals: Don’t cry, don’t die
Reach 700 miles and we’ll heap you with

with extra points for bins. And if you go under or over 700 miles, noone will mind.
700+ Overachievers: well done and please reset your target so everyone gets a spot in the sun

Tag me to add an event of any type to the list below where a thread cheer would help
Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed, sometimes even running
Dashing December 01/12/23 Pie run tbc
02/12/23 Otterton Reindeer 10k - LazyDaisy
03/12/23 Grim - CStar, Phleecy, RRR-Caz, AR
08/12/23 SYRY Christmas 10k - IdristheDragon

10/12/23 Weston Christmas Cracker - LazyDaisy
10/12/23 Christchurch Christmas 10k - Sombrero
Next year 2024 27/01/24 Dark Track 6 hour challenge York - IdristheDragon
04/02/24 Torremolinos Half - LazyDaisy
10/03/24 Inverness Half - IdristheDragon, MaltDrinker, KimCanRun

2023 Hall of Fame
14/01/23 Parkrun - ageingtractor

1st age cat
11/02/23 Parkrun - Lip Gloss

1st age cat, Pothunter

1st age cat, Columba

1st age cat
05/03/23 Tewks Tri Club Aquathlon - LazyDaisy

1st age cat
05/03/23 North Lincs 10k - GimmeMedals

Wava pb
18/03/23 Parkrun - LindsD

1st Lady
26/03/23 Hastings half marathon -Groundhog

course pb
30/03/23 March Virtual Mile - Serendippily

29/04/23 Parkrun -

Jaks 1st Age cat
30/04/23 Early Brigg Sprint triathlon - GimmeMedals

06/05/33 Parkrun - GimmeMedals

13/05/23 Parkrun - Pothunter

wava pb
14/05/23 Rob Burrows Marathon - northernslowcoach

27/05/23 Parkrun - Jaks

pb, 1st age cat, IdristheDragon

1st age cat
29/05/23 Who Squares Wins Multimatch

30/05/23 Virtual Mile Jaks

24/06/23 Ultra London 55 - Pothunter

24/06/23 Tough Mudder - GimmeMedals

8h Endurance
25/06/23 Open Water Swim - LindsD

21/07/23 Virtual Mile - alpenrose

13/08/23 Thames Half Marathon Swim 5.5km - LindsD

13/08/23 Burnham Beeches 10k - Compartmental

01/09/23 York 10k - IdristheDragon

02/09/23 Folkestone Downs Challenge - Fragile Do Not Bend

23/09/23 LT Cartmel 10k - Jaks

trail pb
24/09/23 Vitality 10k - Fragile Do Not Bend

course pb
07/10/23 Parkrun - idristhedragon

parkrun pb, Teebs

1st age cat
14/10/23 Run to the Sea Bournemouth - FragileDoNotBend

ultra pb
15/10/23 York 10 miler - IdristheDragon

05/11/23 Northolt 10k - LindsD