700 miles in 2023

2 lurkers | 59 watchers
Feb 2023
11:40am, 10 Feb 2023
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If of interest, In Your Area are giving awy NT free family tickets for use up to the end of March - 25,000 in total, limited to some per day.
You do need to register. But from what I can see, you can go bach each day for another go or another ticket.
Feb 2023
11:45am, 10 Feb 2023
76,527 posts
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I was unlucky today. It would be handy as we are on holiday next week
Feb 2023
11:54am, 10 Feb 2023
7,034 posts
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I don't know if it's random each time, Off Roader got one at about 11:30 and I got one at 11:36, so you probably only just missed out. Although she say's she didn't get one yesterday.
Feb 2023
12:00pm, 10 Feb 2023
16,118 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Morning again. 5 miles before work I've noticed the last couple of times when running in sub-zero temperatures that my fingers get gradually colder to the point of being painful by about 1 to 1.5 miles, but then imperceptibly warm-up and are fine by 2 miles. Weird, eh?

This is quite common for me. Once the core warms up it can "spare" energy to the hands and feet. But if it is really cold, they never get warm enough.

I recommend gloves (sometimes two pairs), jackets with the bits that go over the thumbs or too-long sleeves and pockets to stuff things in after you heat up.
Feb 2023
12:11pm, 10 Feb 2023
10,729 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Oh no Carp, healing vibes for your calf.

After 5 days rest I went out for a gentle run to test my poorly calf. No pain but after a couple of miles it was starting to stiffen and I was limping a bit so I took that as a sign to call it a day. 2.5 miles total with walking up the hills, happy with that as long as my calf stays ok.
Feb 2023
1:45pm, 10 Feb 2023
5,318 posts
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The weekend starts here - with a blood plasma donation then guide running tomorrow and then a 30 mile run (ok more walk) on Sunday. All good fun :-)
Feb 2023
2:51pm, 10 Feb 2023
27,805 posts
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Thanks um
Feb 2023
3:27pm, 10 Feb 2023
9,453 posts
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Morning again. 5 miles before work I've noticed the last couple of times when running in sub-zero temperatures that my fingers get gradually colder to the point of being painful by about 1 to 1.5 miles, but then imperceptibly warm-up and are fine by 2 miles. Weird, eh?

A while back I was given tip of holding your hands in a fist within the palm area of your gloves for the first five minutes of your warm-up (walk or run) before then extending your fingers into the glove fingers. I haven't had an issue or cold fingers out running since. (but I still can get raynauds symptoms once home, unfortunately).
Feb 2023
4:11pm, 10 Feb 2023
194 posts
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I do similar things TeeBee (including the tell tale white fingers appearing at random times after I get home, however warm my hands end up while out).
Feb 2023
5:00pm, 10 Feb 2023
7,036 posts
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Another trick is to put your gloves on 5 minutes (or so) before you leave. So they are warmed and ready to insulate from the start. Having said that, I do like my winter shirt with the thumbhole so I can make a fist and hold the sleeve round it.

Today's run - which took me over 100 miles for the year - a 7 mile recce for deer in preparation for another deer stalk with the camera. I'm glad I did it, because other than 2 stags a mile in, none to be seen. No herds, nothing. So I probably won't be walking there over the weekend.

Still cold - puddles with ice, ground frozen in the shade. But sunny.

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
Welcome to this year’s 700 thread: 700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient. Training goals: Don’t cry, don’t die

Reach 700 miles and we’ll heap you with bunting with extra points for bins. And if you go under or over 700 miles, noone will mind.

700+ Overachievers: well done and please reset your target so everyone gets a spot in the sun heart Tag me to add an event of any type to the list below where a thread cheer would help

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed, sometimes even running

Dashing December
01/12/23 Pie run tbc
02/12/23 Otterton Reindeer 10k - LazyDaisy
03/12/23 Grim - CStar, Phleecy, RRR-Caz, AR
08/12/23 SYRY Christmas 10k - IdristheDragon medal pb
10/12/23 Weston Christmas Cracker - LazyDaisy
10/12/23 Christchurch Christmas 10k - Sombrero

Next year 2024
27/01/24 Dark Track 6 hour challenge York - IdristheDragon
04/02/24 Torremolinos Half - LazyDaisy
10/03/24 Inverness Half - IdristheDragon, MaltDrinker, KimCanRun

bunting2023 Hall of Famebunting

14/01/23 Parkrun - ageingtractor medal 1st age cat
11/02/23 Parkrun - Lip Gloss medal 1st age cat, Pothunter medal 1st age cat, Columba medal 1st age cat
05/03/23 Tewks Tri Club Aquathlon - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat
05/03/23 North Lincs 10k - GimmeMedals medal Wava pb
18/03/23 Parkrun - LindsD medal 1st Lady
26/03/23 Hastings half marathon -Groundhog medal course pb
30/03/23 March Virtual Mile - Serendippily medal pb
29/04/23 Parkrun - medal Jaks 1st Age cat
30/04/23 Early Brigg Sprint triathlon - GimmeMedals medal pb
06/05/33 Parkrun - GimmeMedals medal SB
13/05/23 Parkrun - Pothunter medal wava pb
14/05/23 Rob Burrows Marathon - northernslowcoach medal SB
27/05/23 Parkrun - Jaks medal pb, 1st age cat, IdristheDragon medal 1st age cat
29/05/23 Who Squares Wins Multimatch medal Pothunter
30/05/23 Virtual Mile Jaks medal pb
24/06/23 Ultra London 55 - Pothunter medal pb
24/06/23 Tough Mudder - GimmeMedals medal 8h Endurance
25/06/23 Open Water Swim - LindsD medal pb
21/07/23 Virtual Mile - alpenrose medal SB
13/08/23 Thames Half Marathon Swim 5.5km - LindsD medal pb
13/08/23 Burnham Beeches 10k - Compartmental medal pb
01/09/23 York 10k - IdristheDragon medal pb
02/09/23 Folkestone Downs Challenge - Fragile Do Not Bend medal pb
23/09/23 LT Cartmel 10k - Jaks medal trail pb
24/09/23 Vitality 10k - Fragile Do Not Bend medal course pb
07/10/23 Parkrun - idristhedragon medal parkrun pb, Teebs medal 1st age cat
14/10/23 Run to the Sea Bournemouth - FragileDoNotBend medal ultra pb
15/10/23 York 10 miler - IdristheDragon

medal pb
05/11/23 Northolt 10k - LindsD medal WAVA

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FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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