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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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700 miles in 2021

1 lurker | 72 watchers
Feb 2021
6:52pm, 4 Feb 2021
7,320 posts
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Evening all. Just watched the myrtle video. Delighted to see that everything, bar the hurdles one, are already part of either my pre or post run routine.
Feb 2021
7:21pm, 4 Feb 2021
444 posts
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The Pin Lady
Third wet run out the last 4! I got out though so that was good. Went and did intervals as I am doing Project Joker to try and get some focus to my running rather than just looking around town. Legs might be sore tomorrow - they haven't moved that fast in weeks! There were some that started with 8 and a couple that even had 7 in the front!

I was supposed to be doing them at about 9:20 but couldn't get my Garmin to upload the session and then once I was out, I couldn't see through my rain splattered specs to see the time! I think that shows that maybe I've just got lazy.
Feb 2021
8:22pm, 4 Feb 2021
143 posts
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Evening all,

My legs feel so heavy when I’m running at the minute. I’ve no idea why and it’s bugging me. Got a run planned for tomorrow morning so taking a bit of extra rest today.
Feb 2021
8:26pm, 4 Feb 2021
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Myrtle did help me a bit with the keg heaviness Millsey if you fancy giving the exercises from a few pages back a go
(Thanks SK)
Feb 2021
8:43pm, 4 Feb 2021
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That's great TM.
Ouch Dio, hope you are okay.
Quick stop in tonight as about to head to bed. Early start tomorrow again for RtS.
Feb 2021
8:43pm, 4 Feb 2021
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TM - what a relief it must be to have the tooth cleared up and the washing machine back in use. You haven’t got a launderette anywhere near?
Couple of hours gardening this afternoon; legs now feel all weak and wobbly.
ITG, how’s your daylight coming along?
Feb 2021
8:54pm, 4 Feb 2021
11,774 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Daylight about 9.30-5.30 these days. Sun visible for a couple of hours. It changes very quickly as we already 6 weeks from the soltice.
Feb 2021
9:38pm, 4 Feb 2021
44,807 posts
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I did 6k today. It went better than last time.
Feb 2021
9:40pm, 4 Feb 2021
48,547 posts
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Lip Gloss
I set my Garmin to run in K’s so today it beeped at k’s but also in miles too :- O it was doing my head in so will have to sort it
Feb 2021
9:44pm, 4 Feb 2021
1,422 posts
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Thanks all. no Columba, no launderette here. I don't live in a town or village. The nearest village doesn't have one (4 miles away) and the nearest small town (where turtle goes to school) doesn't either. The one in my parents' town (we're in childcare bubble) has closed. The nearest larger town may have one but no idea where, plus since our county police have been strict on non essential travel, it's been easier to hand wash. (last week fines were given out for people chatting in the street, and also to people visiting the small town from the big one!!)
Suffice to say I'm very happy. TP has been helping out too of course. 2 loads done this afternoon, working tomorrow but piles lined up for TP to process during the day 🤣.
Bit behind with this running lark, but a difficult, slow 7 miles today told me what I already knew... I need a holiday!!

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
bunting 2021 Hall of Fame bunting

Memorable March
22/3/21 star First 700er - RRR-Caz star

Alright April
17/4/21 Welshpoppy medal 2nd 700er
17/4/21 Endurancelife Sussex Ultra - Badger medal PB / MV55 Silver
18/4/21 Longhorn marathon - JenHB medal pb

Mývatn May
03/05/21 Lancaster Challenge completed star LazyDaisy
03/05/21 LeJog Challenge completed star SarahWoo
29/05/21 Mývatn marathon - ITG medal PB, 2nd Female
31/05/21 Boston half - Peregrinator medal pb

Gingerly Jaunty June
06/06/21 Cotswold 113 triathlon - Sweetie medal pb
12/06/21 Crystal Palace 10k - Serendippily, Bint McSkint, Paula McM medal 1,2,3 age cat :-)
13/06/21 The Cheeky Little Summer Fun Pop-Up Run - star Groundhog 💯 Marathon star
19/06/21 Richmond Park 10k - TeeBee medal 1st age cat
26/06/21 Heineken Race to Castle 100k - Yumee medal pb

Just Jolly July
01/07/21 ToM leg 4, 5 miles Red Bull - Autumnleaves medal 70% WAVA
01/07/21 Akureyrarhlaup 10k - ITG medal PB, 3rd age cat
04/07/21 Greystones 10k - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat :-)
10/07/21 Race to the Stones - Corrah medal Ultra PB
10/07/21 Lakeland Trails 55k Ultra - Badger medal Course PB
11/07/21 Wilmslow Summer 10k - ageingtractor medal PB
24/07/21 Castle to Coast triathlon - JustCommando!
24/07/21 Norðurljós þríþraut triathlon - ITG medal pb
25/07/21 Outlaw triathlon - Sweetie medal first Ironman

Aspirational August
07/08/21 Kempton Park 5K - TeeBee medal 1st in age cat and 3rd overall
21/08/21 Parkrun - Photoset medal Columba medal 1st in Age Cat
28/08/21 Parkrun - Sweetie medal 5yr PB ageingtractor medal 1st age cat

Sauntering September
12/09/21 Liverpool 10 miler - AL medal 1st age cat
18/09/21 Serpentine Swim 2 miles - MandyMoo medal open water PB
26/09/21 autumnleaves medal consecutive 10ks

Optimistic October
02/10/21 Parkrun - LindsD medal SB, Sweetie medal 1st age cat
03/10/21 London Marathon - Pothunter medal Pb, Serendippily medal course pb
Virtual version: LazyDaisy medal Pb, Peregrinator medal Virtual PB
14/10/21 LeJog - Treacle medal
16/10/21 parkrun - Sweetie medal 3rd female, 1st age cat
17/10/21 NDWDave Lon Las Ultra bunting
24/10/21 Newport Marathon - Peregrinator medal Non-Virtual PB

Nifty November
07/11/21 Marlow 7 - RRR-Caz medal pb
07/11/21 Flying Fox 10 mile - Ageingtractor medal pb
14/11/21 Draycote Water 10M - Sweetie medal pb
21/11/21 Newent Nine - The Pin Lady medal course pb
21/11/21 St Neots half - Badger medal pb
28/11/21 San Sebastian 10k - Sweetie medal Wava PB

Dashing (through the snow) December
10/12/21 Severn bridge 5M - LazyDaisy medal 2nd in age cat
11/12/21 Jingle Mile - Serendippily medal wava pb
18/12/21 Parkrun - Sweetie medal pb, Badger medal pb
19/12/21 Weston Christmas Cracker 10k - LazyDaisy medal Wava pb
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