Jan 2017
5:32pm, 8 Jan 2017
4,214 posts
Linds do the Kent Cakeathon in autumn - I have a spare bed here and am planning on doing it
Columba hope the knee isn't too bad
Have run today - feel very icky!!!
Jan 2017
5:33pm, 8 Jan 2017
5,143 posts
Pompey Paul
Bums on the knee Columba, hope it can heal quickly.
Nice pacing from TgE.
Jan 2017
5:45pm, 8 Jan 2017
510 posts
Evening all
Well done ED
I hope the knees not to bad columba
I hope everyone has had a good weekend
I have done a 5 mile run,its been my dogs 8th birthday so i let him lead the way on our walks we must have been following a lady dog because we did the same street 3 times.
Jan 2017
5:57pm, 8 Jan 2017
2,233 posts
for Ed Boo for Columba's knee
I managed 3.7 miles dog running. More successful than when I last tried about a year ago but the dog still seems a bit bemused by the whole affair.
Jan 2017
6:47pm, 8 Jan 2017
11,145 posts
Oh no Columba That's so disappointing, I hope you're ok.
TGEd seriously impressive running!
I have run I went out to carefully do a 2.5 mile route, but it felt so good to be out that I added a bit extra.
Jan 2017
6:58pm, 8 Jan 2017
1,036 posts
TGE 🎉 MB dog Dammit Columba your knee has been doing so well hope ok Well done LSR and bemused dog
Jan 2017
7:04pm, 8 Jan 2017
14,504 posts
How are you feeling now, Carp?
Jan 2017
7:08pm, 8 Jan 2017
32,414 posts
Fleecing Bells
Glad you're on the mend, Carp, now do not overdo it! Oh dear Columba And sorry about the calf, Phil TGE's feat is something special, maybe his marathon time was due to relief at being outdoors at last? I haven't run today but I did take ds2 swimming. I swallowed a lot of water doing my killer whale impression
Jan 2017
7:21pm, 8 Jan 2017
1,038 posts
never good when an injury keeps reoccurring Columba
40 miles on the bike today thought that was a decent distance until I saw GF's 100
Bike commute to training course tomorrow, so will do another 40 then
Jan 2017
7:22pm, 8 Jan 2017
12,127 posts
There are pleasanter things to be drinking than swimming-pool water.
Knee will take quite a bit of resting, I think, before I ask it to do anything more than walk. Like, at least a week. Probably. But will see how it goes.
Take care, Carp, take care.