700 Miles in 2016

3 lurkers | 74 watchers
Jan 2016
10:39am, 27 Jan 2016
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Morning - a windy (slow one way, quick the other) 3miles this morning. Cut it short as my hip was aching - more stretching methinks.

I think I am going grey but being a redhead I am actually just getting blond/ white bits showing up so natural highlights at the moment. My hubby says I have turned him grey though :-/

Just voted in the banana poll Som. What would you do at the end of a race without a banana
*contemplates panic buying bananas now*
Jan 2016
10:40am, 27 Jan 2016
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JustDistracted (JD)
Gave up dyeing cos it made a mess or cost a fortune and needs redoing far too often. It's not very obvious in light brown / dark blonde hair anyway.

First grey hair turned up just before 32nd birthday to my Mum's obvious delight that it was earlier than her... Thanks for the support....
Little bruv not grey at all. Grrrr.
Jan 2016
10:41am, 27 Jan 2016
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Typical, JD
Jan 2016
10:46am, 27 Jan 2016
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I have very little grey but I prefer to have a bit of variation from my normal mousey brown and a mix of high- and low-lights achieve that. My hair gets lighter in the summer anyway so I only need to get the highlights done in the winter.
Jan 2016
10:54am, 27 Jan 2016
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Morning yawn ! Lay in this morning due to night shift tonight.

Not a lot to say on hair what does grow is grey so grade 1 cuts for me these days. Less resistance when I run though ;-)
Jan 2016
12:01pm, 27 Jan 2016
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I also dye mine cos my natural colour is BORING :)
Jan 2016
12:02pm, 27 Jan 2016
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I've been very lucky with regards to gray hair - approaching 44 and only have the occasional one glinting away. appointment booked for tomorrow, getting the purple hair back :-) i hate the small talk at hairdressers. I know they dont really care where I'm going on holiday etc.... the last couple of times I have taken my crochet in and that deters them from interrupting me.

also booked the other test - however not until mid feb, but the way I'm working just now, cant predict that far ahead so warned them that there is risk of it needing to be cancelled (IYKWIM)
Jan 2016
12:04pm, 27 Jan 2016
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oh - and after another rainy dark start to the day - its lovely blue sky and sunshine here. so much so that we have had to draw the blinds!
Jan 2016
12:04pm, 27 Jan 2016
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Jan 2016
12:22pm, 27 Jan 2016
4,168 posts
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I'm so glad I got everyone talking about their hair cuts/colour :-)

Slept pretty well. Did not oversleep. Ran 8 miles to work this morning. It was windy but not windy enough to cause any problems. My bag was bloody heavy though!

About This Thread

Maintained by iRan
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2016 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

bunting and 700er medals are often spotted around here.

Happy running :-)

700 miles league table is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2016, send an fmail to Pompey Paul and they will appear here:

700 miles in 2016 - TARGET Races:

2017 Target races can be entered here:


Group link is here:

Here is the 2017 thread:

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  • 700mi
  • goals
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