700 Miles in 2016

3 lurkers | 74 watchers
Jan 2016
8:16am, 27 Jan 2016
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I love that TB overslept but still popped in to tell us.

Badger, if you dyed your hair then surely you wouldn't be Badger any more...
Jan 2016
8:25am, 27 Jan 2016
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Also slept in, yawn
Pondering whether to go to bums and tums later. Probably.
Jan 2016
8:36am, 27 Jan 2016
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I slept in as well. Work is flexible so as long as I get in before 10 it's all good. Didn't sleep great, very windy. Yawn.
Jan 2016
9:01am, 27 Jan 2016
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Weather here is exactly the same as it was yesterday, - very wet; very windy.

Dentist later.
There are hairdressers who will come to your house and cut your hair (for those who don't like the hairdresser ambience). Often cheaper too, as they don't have the overheads.

Off to look at Som's banana poll.
Jan 2016
9:18am, 27 Jan 2016
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I did not sleep in :) My hairdresser is great - hate the stress of finding one! They have a loyalty points scheme and as I go so often I soon build them up!
Jan 2016
9:45am, 27 Jan 2016
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Managed to get out for a run this morning a little slower than normal (but thats probably a good thing) as still feeling the affects of the pulled muscle in the back a little (sharp breathes still kill) and ran with a hydration pack on for the first time as well to get used to the feeling.

Run takes me to 82 miles for the month the highest total so far in my short running life, but the 100 miles target is still on so fingers crossed ha ha
Jan 2016
10:01am, 27 Jan 2016
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JustDistracted (JD)
I did not sleep in, the new alarm clock got it's act together and I woke up and the right time in a decent mood! Sure work will do something about that!
Track tonight if can BA... oddly I wouldn't mind some turbot instead - I'm way up on run miles and down on bike and the weather looks yukky... hmmm...

(Also hates the hairdressers but needs to decide what to do with hair for wedding. Nice lady who usually does hair in 15 minutes and knows speed is valued over conversation has suggested booked 3 hours to try things. 3 HOURS! aaaaarrrggh!)
Jan 2016
10:01am, 27 Jan 2016
6,734 posts
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I'm not that Badger any more anyway, the white streak is lost in grey.
Jan 2016
10:18am, 27 Jan 2016
4,118 posts
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Morning! Half-decent night's sleep here, certainly compared to the previous night when I was mainly comforting a poorly small person (well, not so small any more at the age of ten!)

I started going properly grey in my mid-20s (actually found my first grey at the age of 14!) and wasn't having it so I've been dying ever since - but am now considering stopping. Maybe in the summer; I wear it short anyway so should just let it grow for five weeks and then cut all the dyed hair off. Might be a bit of a shock to people though...

Should be good for a lunchtime 5K loop today.
Jan 2016
10:35am, 27 Jan 2016
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Much against my beliefs that ageing should be valued, not hidden, I do dye my hair - but not very often. This is because I otherwise I have patches of grey - including a Cruella Deville kind of thing going on on the right side - which I think frankly looks a little odd!

About This Thread

Maintained by iRan
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2016 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

bunting and 700er medals are often spotted around here.

Happy running :-)

700 miles league table is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2016, send an fmail to Pompey Paul and they will appear here:

700 miles in 2016 - TARGET Races:

2017 Target races can be entered here:


Group link is here:

Here is the 2017 thread:

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