700 Miles in 2016

2 lurkers | 74 watchers
Jan 2016
11:18am, 25 Jan 2016
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It is warmer out - but the sky is beautiful today- always cheers me up on a run.
Jan 2016
11:31am, 25 Jan 2016
21,183 posts
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I hope your back eases RAlex
bunting for your longest run Adorescience :-)
Jan 2016
11:56am, 25 Jan 2016
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Thanks B :-)
Jan 2016
12:33pm, 25 Jan 2016
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Not too good a night here, - either - that is, woke v early and couldn't get back to sleep. (It was indeed a pretty sunrise, as somebody mentioned.

RA, hope your back sorts itself out pdq.

Ymee, if we're going to have a *thistle* we'll also need a *leek*, a *rose* and a *shamrock*.

Bad about your foot, LD. How's it looking for Liswerry ?
Jan 2016
12:48pm, 25 Jan 2016
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Lip Gloss
10 miles done and tried a 4:1 ratio which seems to have helped with my back so off to have a shower and a roller before I stiffen up.
Jan 2016
2:07pm, 25 Jan 2016
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I'll run Liswerry Columba, as it's no more painful to run than it is to do anything else - even sitting down now there's a slight ache in my toe joints. I may dose myself up with ibuprofen beforehand.

If you mean, how am I looking forward to racing 8 miles next Sunda, the answer is 'not very much'! I haven't run anything longer than 6 miles yet this year :-0
Jan 2016
2:12pm, 25 Jan 2016
8,486 posts
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5.5 miles done to run an errand. It was lovely and I feel better. swim this evening.
Jan 2016
2:48pm, 25 Jan 2016
400 posts
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Columba I think it'd be fun to have a *dragon* !
Red - hope your back eases up.
It's still mild, but getting very very windy now, 6 miles run - the ones with a tailwind were a lot faster than the ones with a headwind!
Jan 2016
3:41pm, 25 Jan 2016
4,160 posts
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Still awake, but this has not been one of my better days. If two of my colleagues don't stop wittering complete and utter nonsense very soon I might lose my temper.
Jan 2016
4:21pm, 25 Jan 2016
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LD, right first time, - I did mean will you be doing it. As for looking forward to it, terror is setting in. This, however, is par for the course.

For an extra frisson of terror, my Bath Half number has just arrived.

Been swimming.

About This Thread

Maintained by iRan
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2016 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

bunting and 700er medals are often spotted around here.

Happy running :-)

700 miles league table is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2016, send an fmail to Pompey Paul and they will appear here:

700 miles in 2016 - TARGET Races:

2017 Target races can be entered here:


Group link is here:

Here is the 2017 thread:

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  • 700mi
  • goals
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