700 Miles in 2016

1 lurker | 74 watchers
Sep 2016
8:06am, 28 Sep 2016
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Silver standard AL ? bunting medal - I missed that :)

I haven't dared check the 700 target page JC, - I know I won't have a blackheart , hope Ive not lost heart too!
Sep 2016
8:32am, 28 Sep 2016
1,890 posts
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Great mile time and standard AL bunting
Get back to running, Fleecy!!

Som - glad small dudette had a great time, and great news on the course and your goo job recognition.

Good to have you back JC

*Waves to everyone on the thread*
Sep 2016
8:49am, 28 Sep 2016
563 posts
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Dont come on here much... well never really, but you lot are great. Lovely reading help and motivation you all give each other. Just a pitty im miles away to takepart in all the events you are taking part in. Maybe oneday.
Sep 2016
9:15am, 28 Sep 2016
774 posts
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Morning all

Well back at the world of work.

Surprisingly there is now real reaction from either my knee or my legs after Sunday's Marathon. I was expecting the trip home to be filled with stiff legs and painful steps but none of that happened. So all good on that respect.

Taking the week of running this week as a recovery period of sorts but will be volunteering at Bracknell Parkrun on the weekend!
Sep 2016
9:46am, 28 Sep 2016
11,992 posts
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Good news Alex!

Nice to see you Timaru. Wondered where you were.

I have had A Trying Morning :(

Tired already.
Sep 2016
9:55am, 28 Sep 2016
5,156 posts
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Good luck Dio, hope all goes well today.
Well done AL.

I was supposed to go to the club last night but between leaving the office and getting home I was visited by the Sandman and fell into something of a stupor when OH popped into the supermarket for 10 mins. And then I got home and it was getting dark and I wanted to stay indoors. And Eli was there and wanted Nanny cuddles, so that was that.

To make up for it I had a lovely 8 mile run into the office this morning, crossing Tower Bridge as the sun was stretching its legs. Beautiful. And my phone shuffled my music perfectly so I had lots of happy songs to sing. Also a LOL moment when Eminem came on and I imagined Bint 'encouraging' PP around his 100 miler with some rapping.
Sep 2016
10:26am, 28 Sep 2016
1,892 posts
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Great post Paula - made me chuckle :-)
Sep 2016
11:43am, 28 Sep 2016
372 posts
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Morning all

Did 4miles in sherwood forest yesterday a bit muddy and autumnal but good

My wife is starting some new treatment for blood issues so we have been to the outpatients clinc 3 times in a week so I haven't exercised much .
Well done to those racers last weekend
Sep 2016
12:20pm, 28 Sep 2016
30,513 posts
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That's quite ironic really MB...
Lol at Paula, love it when your iPod chooses just the right tracks :)
I continued my run, did 5k and the coffee helped no end!
Sep 2016
1:34pm, 28 Sep 2016
20,838 posts
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Afternoon. :)

*waves* to all. Now arrived in Blackpool - I thought we were in an old people's home at check in, there seem to be a lot of zimmers and mobility scooters around. :-o

About This Thread

Maintained by iRan
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2016 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

bunting and 700er medals are often spotted around here.

Happy running :-)

700 miles league table is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2016, send an fmail to Pompey Paul and they will appear here:

700 miles in 2016 - TARGET Races:

2017 Target races can be entered here:


Group link is here:

Here is the 2017 thread:

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