Mar 2021
2:29pm, 23 Mar 2021
38,383 posts
I was going to suggest a progression to pull ups (hanging rows, banded pull ups) as bringing in a lot of that "pull" Motion.
Mar 2021
2:47pm, 23 Mar 2021
3,323 posts
Kittenheels Kath
Steady on, it's only a few months since I managed to do a single press-up with my knees off the floor.
Mar 2021
2:49pm, 23 Mar 2021
1,464 posts
Homeless Kodo
Chin ups/pull ups are fine, they’ll work well, but rowing type movements are preferable for a couple of reasons.
The press up/row combination are both horizontal where as the pull or chin is a vertical pull, so you’re antagonising in a slightly different way, that’s not quite nit picking, but it ain’t far off. If you’re strong enough to do sets of 15+ press ups you’ll be working type 1/aerobic fibres but if you can manage a maximum of (for example) 5 pull ups you’ll be working the larger type IIa and IIb fibres. Which means you’ll develop different strengths traits on opposite sides of the worked joint. There are people who are strong enough to do that many pulls/chins, but they’re rare. People tend to be more able to row similar numbers of reps to those they’re capable of with press ups.
Mar 2021
3:13pm, 23 Mar 2021
38,384 posts
Fair point, HK.
Kath, the thing is that it would be a progression either way. Start with an easier variant of the exercise and build up, in a similar way to starting with wall push ups and working down to flat push ups.
(and it's not compulsory. Do what you're comfortable doing until you fancy doing something different/ in addition.
Mar 2021
3:04pm, 24 Mar 2021
2,910 posts
Dave W
480 today. Had a bit more time for exercising today.
Look out TBR and UltraDunc, I'm gunning for you.
FlyingFinn. Think you're reasonably safe..
Mar 2021
3:06pm, 24 Mar 2021
11,671 posts
Just had my jab so might not do any more today!
Mar 2021
3:17pm, 24 Mar 2021
2,604 posts
You never know Dave. My rate will slow as things start to open up. Once the golf courses are open I'll be more wary of having knackered arms and when I can start going away in the van there will blank days (even for me there isn't quite enough room in a VW T5 😂). And overall I just won't be so bored! So keep chasing😀
Mar 2021
5:10pm, 24 Mar 2021
3,555 posts
TBR (TheBeardRunner)
Ooh DaveW, fighting talk! 😁
Mar 2021
9:39pm, 24 Mar 2021
2,914 posts
Dave W
Bring it on...
FF, if I catch you this year, I'll show my arse on the town hall steps.
Next year, however, is a different matter.
Mar 2021
10:10pm, 24 Mar 2021
30,600 posts
Ocelot Spleens
you arse on show is now in stone, if you see what I mean!