Aug 2018
8:37pm, 5 Aug 2018
23,398 posts
Good work Jenny.
Going to be a hot sticky one here tonight too
Aug 2018
8:58pm, 5 Aug 2018
9,174 posts
Yep, still toasty here too...I'm looking forward to a little cooler weather. I wonder what it will be like in Canada in can vary wildly...from glacial to broiling, so will be following the weather closely before the time so I can pack accordingly.
Aug 2018
8:58pm, 5 Aug 2018
64,496 posts
I'm loving the weather, every chance I get I am grabbing miles
Aug 2018
9:00pm, 5 Aug 2018
9,175 posts
Its novelty has worn off...though I shouldn't complain as they can get mid-30s for several weeks at a time, plus mugginess.
Aug 2018
9:10pm, 5 Aug 2018
3,190 posts
I know Fenners, like I said I know I’m a total wuss and for most people that’s not remotely hot at all, but I really am totally s**t at running in any sort of heat. (Probably not helped by being too fat). I’ve run 4 HMs this year, one in perfect conditions which I ran in a decent time for me, one when I was ill and two when it was hot (at least by my standards), and I ran a better time in the one I was ill than the two where it was warm.
Aug 2018
7:23am, 6 Aug 2018
2,696 posts
I'm with you jenny. I'm no good in the heat. My HM yesterday was hell.
Aug 2018
8:08am, 6 Aug 2018
9,177 posts
Hi wouldn't have liked the Basingstoke half marathon back in 2011 or so...the weather gods played a joke on us...2nd October and it was 29C out.
Aug 2018
8:41am, 6 Aug 2018
979 posts
*waves hello*
I've dropped out of the 2000 miles group, that ain't gonna happen this year, but having just passed 800 miles for the year 1500 seems like a reasonable target.
Aug 2018
8:50am, 6 Aug 2018
731 posts
Yes, I'm slower in the heat, or perhaps I should say even slower, but I love running (and cycling) in the sun. Winter is going to hit me hard this year. Summer 2018 has been epic.
Aug 2018
9:23am, 6 Aug 2018
64,498 posts
I am loving every day of sun.
Lotion on, drink on the bike and relax