May 2022
11:50am, 19 May 2022
5,306 posts
Zone 3 FF! Lucky b*****! Zone three would finish me off currently ☹️. I'm guessing your niggles have niggles off, you're running well and nicely in time for your marathon. Really great run there hs. Hope that achilles remained calm scottdog. 6.4 miles on a humid morning which I don't mind. Trails were slightly damp or and easy to run on
( I should say "would have been easy to run on in normal circumstances"😂) and my heart struggled. I'm on waiting list now to see cardiologist and should be zipping along as normal before the year's out😂
May 2022
1:21pm, 19 May 2022
497 posts
No Ill effects this morning Steve, so another steady run tonight
May 2022
1:26pm, 19 May 2022
7,694 posts
Well done Steve for another trail run. I hope you don't have to wait too long before you get to see the cardiologist.
May 2022
3:13pm, 19 May 2022
7,696 posts
Thanks FF, I run that hilly course fairly regularly, as I'm doing a 10k race in June which is fairly flat. I should, therefore, be able to run it quicker, and we all run quicker in races than in training runs. I'm aiming to get close to 55 minutes, but it will be tough. There will be pacemakers, so I will try to keep up with the 55 minute pacemaker.
May 2022
3:19pm, 19 May 2022
2,469 posts
Looby Loo
Already 23 degrees when I went out at 8 this morning. Too hot for me so 5k only. Nice running HS. I’m the exception to running quicker in races as always struggle. Nice to hear niggles are improving. Good luck Steve.
May 2022
8:30am, 20 May 2022
5,308 posts
Thanks folks.
Glad the achilles didn't grumble scottdog. Mental prep as well as the good physical training for that 10k hs? Phew to 23c that early LL.. Interesting that you're quicker in training; way back when I was totally able and in a running club a lot of us would fair better on club nights. Hard efforts without "expectations" and a more relaxed approach gave quicker times for many. Obviously not always but often enough to know potential was there.
May 2022
8:32am, 20 May 2022
5,309 posts
Four miles , 12c, humid, calm and quite perfect.. if it weren't for my difficulty at the moment!
May 2022
8:46am, 20 May 2022
498 posts
10km last night with again no reaction so fingers crossed the Achilles issue healing well. No run today, bike work instead
May 2022
11:00am, 20 May 2022
7,698 posts
Thanks LL. I am thinking that the reason you struggle in races, is that you set off too quickly and "run out of steam."
I think a mixture of both Steve. I've always believed that a lot of the input into racing is mental. One half of the brain saying to slow down or stop, and the other to ignore the pain and carry on. I think I've proved this in my twice weekly "farmers walk." I used to stop several times with aching arms, but now I just ignore it, and walk even quicker. I will put this to the test during my race. Good that you are still running, despite your concerns.
Good to hear that your Achilles didn't have any adverse reactions during last night's 10k run.
Today is a running rest day for me.
May 2022
11:13am, 20 May 2022
5,281 posts
Fenland Flier
Boy that was warm yesterday morning LL but well done for your 5k.
A good 4 miles Steve.
Pleased the achilles was ok Scottdog.
You make a good point hillstrider about ignoring pain in a race, I must bear that in mind when I next do parkrun or my lumpy 6 miler in July.
Just returned from a 5 mile recovery run.