Jun 2021
3:51pm, 1 Jun 2021
6,256 posts
Keep up the interval efforts Steve!
Today is a rest day for me.
Jun 2021
6:45pm, 1 Jun 2021
1,199 posts
Looby Loo
Exactly hs no pain no gain. Intervals are tough but they do pay off. Well deserved rest hs.
As you saw Steve I sneaked out to the treadmill when the grandchildren were asleep and did the mile. I asked someone to come and sit tomorrow night so I could get a run done when they are in bed. I will have a lot of making up to do next week.
Jun 2021
9:40am, 2 Jun 2021
4,645 posts
That's the way to do it LL!! I'll be having to make up a mile or so later this week, we have window fitters replacing glass and a window frame and there was stuff to move about before they arrive so unlikely to fit a run in today. Pity, I like the heat and Cardiff was the warmest place in the UK yesterday although early mornings don't really reflect that. And...I have a bit of a niggle on the top of my foot which I've had before so a day's rest won't go amiss. Enjoy doing something nice on you rest day hs!
Jun 2021
12:34pm, 2 Jun 2021
6,257 posts
It was much hotter this morning and I ran 4 x 800 metres on a gravel trail in the forest with a running friend. It was fairly level, but a bit bumpy and rooty. It was nearly all in the shade, which helped. My times were 4.45, 4.27, 4.23 and 4.20.
I get a niggle on the top of my left foot from time to time Steve. My rest day was yesterday 😁
Jun 2021
10:02am, 3 Jun 2021
4,647 posts
800 metres at that pace on that terrain sounds "class" to me hs! Geez, I can't begin to imagine popping along at that pace. Quite fresh here in Cardiff this morning and a seven mile jaunt with my wife made up for my day off yesterday. The niggle has just about gone and doesn't hurt at all when I run. Useless information: on this day in 1908 Umberto Blasi won Italy's national marathon championship in Rome in 3 hours 1 minute 4 seconds! How humans have speed up!!
Jun 2021
3:32pm, 3 Jun 2021
6,258 posts
Thanks Steve. A bit breezy here too. Well done for your 7 miler, and good that the niggle seems to have gone.
Racing times have certainly sped up. Emil Zatopek's world records wouldn't be anywhere near qualification for the Olympics nowadays. There is probably only one old world record that is unlikely to be beaten and that is the women's 800 metres. It was set by Jarmila Kratochvilova in1983 and is 1.53.28. I think that she was an East German, and is strongly suspected to have been a drug cheat.
I ran 10k in the forest this morning.
Jun 2021
4:25pm, 3 Jun 2021
15,319 posts
MarkyMarkMark (3M)
Steve45, if it possible for me I'd be delighted with 3 hours, 1 minute and any seconds at all!
Jun 2021
9:33am, 4 Jun 2021
4,648 posts
😂 MMM! By 1914 he had lowered that time to what became his all time PB of 2 hours 38 mins 08 secs! I wonder what "secrets" he had discovered! No running mags, no internet....no Fetch!! Another 10k this morning along river trails in the best conditions possible (for me)..10c, no wind, sunshine. Half of it with my wife who then headed off for silly miles! I'd forgotten about that 800 metre record hs, that was the same year I did my marathon PB!
Jun 2021
10:50am, 4 Jun 2021
6,259 posts
Well done Steve, you are running well now, and I'm sure that your pace will improve.
My 800 metre PB is 2.12 set on a grass running track. My target now is to run sub 4 minutes.
Today is a rest day and tomorrow will be my 63rd forest not a parkrun 5k. It seems very likely that my nearest parkrun won't return, and the worry is that those that do will be swamped.
Jun 2021
11:40am, 4 Jun 2021
1,205 posts
Looby Loo
I can’t believe what’s happening with parkrun. It’s a complete joke.