Aug 2022
12:51pm, 6 Aug 2022
6,331 posts
Fenland Flier
Well done hillstrider that you out sprinted someone to the finish, a good time too. I had a chatty parkrun this morning with a time just over 25 minutes I believe. (I haven't checked my emails yet.) I hadn't seen my old neighbour for some time so it was nice to catch up. I cycled there and back, please remind me not to do it again though, 25 miles each way. I must remember I'm a runner not a cyclist.
Aug 2022
1:33pm, 6 Aug 2022
18,493 posts
Great intervals and laying off in hour parkrun hs well done!
A 50m bike ride to run 5k seems excessive FF but huge well done.
We’re boating this weekend starting to do longer runs now month of recovery is over and did 13.5 yesterday. I have been out for 5 today (rather warm) and
On Wednesday I did my first real attempt at barefoot running. Over the last couple of years I’ve done short stints of 1/4m on ‘safe’ ground but Wednesday I embraced it after reading a few comments from experienced barefooters. I was surprised how relaxing my legs & feet they didn’t feel the pebbles as they had done previously. Today I did 2 stints barefoot totalling 2.3m and have to say I’m really enjoying barefoot. Although at one point I panicked I’d lost my sandals did an about turn to retrace my steps only to realise I had them back on 🤣
Aug 2022
1:56pm, 6 Aug 2022
1,004 posts
Your braver than me GG running seems very hardcore from where i am currently sitting...very impressive...FF not sure I could actually cycle 25 miles then complete a parkrun and 25 back ...hats off and HS I definately cant outsprint anyone these days.
Last nights hill session was completed this morning after a late finish at work and a bout of laziness...planned 10miles tomorrow with my sunday group ...good running all.
Aug 2022
2:12pm, 6 Aug 2022
6,334 posts
Fenland Flier
My bottom was unhappy with the last few miles I will admit and I took parkrun fairly easy.
Aug 2022
4:03pm, 6 Aug 2022
8,410 posts
Thanks FF, GG and Turkhish. The man I outsprinted was 65. A friend of mine was embarrassed when she said "the two of you look like brothers." He said that he was 65 and of course, I'm 76.🤣
Well done FF for your speedy parkrun, in-between a 25 mile bike ride each way. On a similar note, 3 of our younger and much quicker club runners ran to the parkrun and back, totalling each just over 20 miles.
Hope you enjoy your boating weekend GG. Well done for your 13.5 and 5 mile runs. I've never tried barefoot running. I don't suppose you've heard of Bruce Tulloh and Zola Budd. They were both very famous barefoot racers. I was proud to have been photographed with Bruce a few years ago, when he was giving out prizes at the Victory 5 road race.
Well done for your hill session last night Turkhish, and good luck for your 10 miles tomorrow with your Sunday group.
Aug 2022
4:16pm, 6 Aug 2022
2,953 posts
Lesley C
I actually made it to Parkrun this morning. Happy enough with my time - 29.16. Would like faster but it's good enough. Did a run/walk up there, that's 1.8 miles so not far away.
Well done on your runs this morning. Don't fancy barefoot running, definitely not for me.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend 🙂.
Aug 2022
4:19pm, 6 Aug 2022
2,722 posts
Looby Loo
Well done HS I had a slower parkrun today but it was one of the harder ones. It was a beautiful trail one. One hill was called “heartbreak hill” I out sprinted a lady however I went too early and she got me back on the line.
Well done on your long bike ride FF should help with your challenge I’m slipping on that.
Nice running everyone.
Aug 2022
4:20pm, 6 Aug 2022
2,723 posts
Looby Loo
Well done Lesley I missed your post.
Aug 2022
5:28pm, 6 Aug 2022
6,339 posts
Fenland Flier
Well done Lesley, that's a perfect warm up and cool down distance, my local parkrun is a similar distance, 1.6 miles away going the direct route.
LL that was my thinking too, I've been looking at the weather for a couple of weeks and this morning was perfect. Just a slight breeze and cool this morning going, slightly more wind returning and warmer too but not silly warm. I am however pleased I'm not cycling now as it a lot warmer.
Aug 2022
6:13pm, 6 Aug 2022
5,556 posts
Twenty five miles cycling to a Park Run FF! And then back. Phew, what a workout. (No thanks!!). Barefoot running again gg. That's a definite no for me too, goodness knows how you barefooted runners do it. Anna Mcnuff recently ran the length of Britain barefoot didn't she?
Why?! Each to their own🙂. Yeah I remember Tulloh hs, he did don shoes quite often as well! What a great park run hs and well done for yours Lesley. I did the equivalent (!) and it was only 9c when I was running this morning. Sorry.... plodding!!