Mar 2020
1:01pm, 17 Mar 2020
707 posts
2092 - WSW might get me out running locally a bit more, painting the town in little blue circles.
Mar 2020
2:39pm, 17 Mar 2020
34,476 posts
I got some new circles today with a little used path round a field off a hill that I don't usually take.
WSW and circles and such do make local running a bit more interesting and purposeful! G G
Mar 2020
2:42pm, 17 Mar 2020
45,665 posts
I walked instead of driving between two errands 1.5 miles apart in Big Town to collect a few more blue circles this morning. Now on 3694, all on foot. It'll be tight to get to my target of 4500 at the end of the month.
Mar 2020
9:17am, 20 Mar 2020
34,497 posts
4375. A new route for 10 miles with a former colleague that I've never done before. Benefit of being out of work! G
Mar 2020
11:46am, 26 Mar 2020
5,263 posts
Still haven't hit 2,000 My total is 1950 with 1213 being just March!
Mar 2020
12:30pm, 26 Mar 2020
3,237 posts
Struggling to get out of home zone at the moment. No new circles for a while
Mar 2020
12:38pm, 26 Mar 2020
19,132 posts
We aren't supposed to be travelling for exercise anyway, isn't the daily exercise is supposed to be from our house?
Mar 2020
1:15pm, 26 Mar 2020
45,756 posts
4072. Expected to be able to cover a lot more new territory in Wales than I had time for, and home is pretty much saturated.
I'm trying to decide just how much "against the spirit" it would be to stop off on my commute and go for a run on quiet roads out of the towns. I suspect the answer is, "It's not something I'd normally do, so it's totally against the spirit."
Mar 2020
1:43pm, 26 Mar 2020
3,297 posts
2,922. I've been hoovering up local-to-home circles, and luckily still have quite a few to get. I live surrounded by several big housing estates with loads of bendy roads and little twisty turny cul-de-sacs. I don't really like running round them, because I get lost.
Mar 2020
1:54pm, 26 Mar 2020
5,264 posts
I'm looking forward to running around the golf course opposite my house which has been shut. Just waiting for the groundsmen to be laid off and then I can run up and down the various holes which I can't normally do. Because I haven't run much this year, I have a lot of circles that I can lay down in runs which start and finish at my house. Always look on the bright side and all that shit