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Wed 19th Mar 2025 at 6:05pm by Mark J 🇳🇿

Run > Intervals

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Watts
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

20k inc 3 x 5k @MP

Really pleased with that one. As I get closer to race day I'm continuing to dial in on what I believe will be my MP on the day and with the temps cooling down now, it's really assisting keeping my HR under control and in the right zone, with a good pace.

Didn't need to tweak anything tonight as the 3 x 5k reps were all on target at the cadence I was turning over at (171spm). A nice confidence booster that one.

I keep seeing Huw Parker on my runs but they've all been intervals or tempos lately so not in a position to stop and chat. Mind you, he looks like he's dialing into some serious sessions, too. Nice work, Huw.

Aches: Not really, mild piriformis.

Shoes: Asics MagicSpeed 2. I'm sticking with my carbons for these types of sessions through to race day now to ensure I'm as ready as possible.

Activity temperature via POD 2: 20°C ~ 25°C
213 Training Load
-- from COROS

1) 1km - 5:19(5:19/km) 113/123bpm [601b/km] 47cal 208/W 11.28/11.8kmph
2) 1km - 4:59(4:59/km) 125/128bpm [622b/km] 51cal 229/W 12.05/14.7kmph
3) 5km - 21:02(4:12/km) 141/145bpm [593b/km] 259cal 278/W 14.26/15.32kmph
4) 1km - 5:16(5:16/km) 128/141bpm [674b/km] 56cal 221/W 11.39/15.19kmph
5) 5km - 21:33(4:19/km) 141/144bpm [608b/km] 267cal 271/W 13.92/15.79kmph
6) 1km - 5:22(5:22/km) 128/142bpm [687b/km] 57cal 217/W 11.17/14.12kmph
7) 5km - 22:04(4:25/km) 141/145bpm [623b/km] 274cal 268/W 13.59/15kmph
8) 1km - 5:39(5:39/km) 131/142bpm [740b/km] 62cal 216/W 10.62/13kmph
9) 0.04km - 17(6:55/km) 130/130bpm [900b/km] 3cal 209/W 8.67/10.56kmph
5:19 4:59 21:02 5:16 21:33 5:22 22:04 5:39 17
nicely done :)
Mark J 🇳🇿
Well run
Mark J 🇳🇿
Very good run! Well done.
Mark J 🇳🇿
Cheers gg
usc215 🇩🇪
that was fast! well done... and nice WAVA! 👍
Wow, your 3x 5k intervals are impressive! I wish I could run the first one just by itself, 21:02 is amazing within such a long session. And well done on the WAVA! Casually scoring a 70+ in a training run is seriously good!
Mark J 🇳🇿
Thank you. Very happy with the session but mostly pleased by the HR at those paces. I'm still mildly anxious as to whether I can maintain that over marathon distance though, as this training plan hasn't had me doing any serious distances at MP. But all my predictors are still on target, so I am just trusting in the plan and hoping it delivers on race day.
Yes, I find HR (besides power) a useful indicator for judging whether or not I can hold a certain pace for longer. I was really pleased when I experienced barely any HR drift in my 13 mi MP effort two weeks ago. It took about 5 miles to reach MP level (around 160 for me) and then it just stayed there for the rest of the effort. Your reps look very encouraging, having the same avg HR for each of them. You have excellent control over your effort.
Mark J 🇳🇿
Thanks. I'm doing a 13 mile MP rep one as my last big effort this weekend coming.
When is your race Mark?
Mark J 🇳🇿
Christchurch, 13th April. Fast and flat :)
Fab I have good vibes for you!
Mark J 🇳🇿
@Tipsku, I suspect you're on for a good one based on your current training block.


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
  • Power
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.62 5:20 5:20 8:35 113 -123 971 162 0-170 206 -229 45/18
1.24 10:18 4:58 8:01 125 122-128 1001 170 168-174 229 207-253 2/15
4.35 31:20 21:02 6:46 141 128-145 955 170 168-174 278 219-309 21/26
4.97 36:35 5:16 8:28 128 124-141 1084 164 158-172 221 189-288 0/0
8.07 58:08 21:33 6:56 141 127-144 978 170 168-174 271 241-306 27/27
8.69 1:03:30 5:22 8:39 128 120-142 1107 165 158-180 217 182-267 7/8
11.80 1:25:34 22:05 7:06 141 126-145 1002 170 168-174 268 201-316 41/24
12.42 1:31:17 5:43 +1 9:13 131 125-142 1208 164 158-170 216 0-260 13/0
12.44 1:31:31 14 +1 9:50 130 130-130 1279 163 162-164 214 111-225 2/0

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    136 avge / 145 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    23 1.4% 8:34
  • Cadence Distribution

    169 avge / 180 max Stride Length: 130cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 100.0 168 12.5 1:31:33 7:21
    Still 0.0 - - 2 -
  • Power Distribution

    257W (316 max)
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:38 6:33 53.05% More
    800m 3:18 6:38 62.24% More
    1km 4:08 6:40 65.40% More
    Mile 6:41 6:41 69.99% More
    5k 21:02 6:46 73.58% More
    5 miles 34:57 6:59 72.30% More
    10k 43:27 7:00 72.66% More
    10 miles 1:11:10 7:07 72.93% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:19 6:19 74.07
    5km 21:01 6:46 73.61
    5M 34:48 6:58 72.61
    10km 43:49 7:03 72.06
    10M 1:12:34 7:15 71.53
    Half 1:36:36 7:22 70.96
    20M 2:31:17 7:34 70.96
    Mara 3:21:25 7:41 71.31

Bespoke Fields

Aches and pains
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