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Wymondham New Years Day 10k

Listed by genegenie
  • Rated 85%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (15)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Norwich Road Runners
36:52 37:57 37:57 70.20
Bobby Button Temperature was lovely. Enjoyed the run and pleased with the time. Sure I can beat it though. Going to bed at 2am after a lot of food and drink can not have been the best preparation!!
48:21 48:21 54:00 49:02 58.79
46:08 51:43 57:00 54:53 48.26
domichiwa Yes did it new PB!  Tagged onto to a guy who went past me at 4km and kept with him all the way, keeping me at a speed that was challenging.  Thought I would get him over the last km, we finished neck and neck but he pipped me.  If you ever become a fetchie, thanks for the run it was great!
43:08 43:08 44:30 43:08 62.02
Norwich Road Runners
50:58 53:43 59:00 53:43 55.33
Forest Faerie Not a PB race, promised to pace a club mate round to a sub 60, plus an outside chance of a hangover :-)
Thetford AC
48:33 51:55 59:00 51:55 57.58
Grumpy Galloper Better than expected.
Saint Edmund Pacers
39:26 41:19 43:00 42:06 68.83
35:40 37:35 42:00
mile muncher
Thetford AC
49:23 49:23 51:30 50:23 60.11
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) What a lovely way to start the year, a 10k race with Jigs running with me and a brand new PB under my belt!!!  :-) I ran this pretty well considering Ely10k yesterday, I was aiming for around 48.30 but felt really good and managed 45.51, I wont log my finishing time as I don't want those that bet on me to PB 2 days in a row to lose their credits ;-)
41:49 43:58 48:00 45:57 73.44
mxhornet Last minute decision to run rather than do a session on my own.
Bure Valley Harriers
32:00 40:57 40:57 40:57 70.18
oldbiddy well will I drink New Years Eve :):) dunno
no course I won't
will I ????
Longdale Striders
46:45 49:35 47:00 49:35 68.06
Ipswich Triathlon Club
Thetford AC
51:30 57:28 57:28 56.11
Smudger 3 The slower lioness I would really love to achieve my target of running a ten k in under an hour at this race. I will give it my best shot.WOW WOW WOW iam over the moon i did it in 58 min and 58secs. I enjoyed this race.There was a bottle neck at the start but once this sorted itself it was a really good race.my son won a spot prize.and iam over the moon about my time.i need to make a new target now.sue
Ryston Runners AC
55:43 58:47 59:59 58:58 51.74

3 Reviews

This DateAll Dates

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