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Welcome the World 5K

Sun March 30 2008
Listed by Boab
Entrants (21)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Sunbed Athlete Just good to get a race in after a 5 wk lay-off.Felt awful the whole way round.Just proves how an unfit state im in @ the moment.Just started running the previous Sunday with 24 miles in total for the week so could'nt have expected much better.Tough tough course.Goody-bag was bollocks.
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
15:02 15:52 18:07 73.05
Boab NO PB here! This is a tough route around Arthurs Seat. I'll be lucky to break 17:30 on this course. UPDATE: Delightee with time and race, ran 17:07, but on that course, which I heard today is a minute slower than a flat course, I am over the moon.  Official gun time was 17:10 and I was 29th. Felt very strong although almost puked up when I finished.  Lovely to meet Ellem at last.  World XC Champs were Awsome!!!  Didn't see another fetchie though, where were you all?
15:53 16:42 17:07 76.22
Baza Looking forward to this race, the route suits me. Ran the Queens Drive race back in December in 18:56, so looking to better that this time. Also ran a flat(ish) 3 mile time trial in 17:20 last month, so anything could happen on Sunday.*Update* What a cracking day, felt good on the run, still think i was slightly slower going up the hill - mile splits are something like 5:56, 6:31, 5:20. Good to see Tigger, Debs & a couple of others again. Poor goody bag, (which disintigrated in the rain too), the least they could have included was a good Adidas T-Shirt instead of the cheap one. Anyway, quick shower at the commonwealth pool and it was back for the 'real races', and they didn't disapoint.
Carnegie Harriers
17:07 17:27 18:30 18:54 68.05
Fan E Baws
Springburn Harriers
17:31 18:42 18:57 67.63
Runs4beer Tough course - really enjoyed the long downhill!
19:11 21:10 22:00 21:10 60.55
Auld fat Ironman
Clydesdale Harriers, Glasgow Triathlon Club
19:31 21:45 22:23 64.74
toepointer Good race for a comeback, as the design of the course meant from the top of the hill onwards I was overtaking people until the finish, being relatively good at running downhill compared to uphill.  Time wasnt that bad for this course considering how ill I've been (and from the lack of energy at the finish, not totally better) and not able to train much.
Lasswade AC
19:39 23:36 22:55
Carnegie Harriers
20:41 20:41 21:56 58.43
Harmeny AC
20:46 20:46 25:15 57.85
Mr. White
20:56 22:09 26:28 25:52 50.79
Edinburgh Running Network
22:30 23:23 23:23 59.16
Debstir Pretty wet & windy (and cold!) during race, tough slog up the hill but felt ok when I got to the top despite the wind. Average pace of 8.26 min/mile so pretty chuffed with that. Good race but for the entry fee I expected a half-decent medal as a memento of this race (or a half decent goody bag for that matter), what with it being held just before the World Cross Country Championships. Will be emailing somebody about it later!
23:46 26:39 26:39 53.26
PeterWard5 Not the greatest race ever had some friends over and so indulged last night and missed sleep. Really struggled up the hill and the flogged down it to get the above time. Will be lookimg for more next time out and will prepare properly. Saw Boab before the start but didn't go over. :-) Worlds were amazing all the races particularly Bekeles one shoe moment.
24:01 29:02 29:02 44.14
runs4wine *tough course but loved it!!! worked hard up hill and flew down the otherside! Pleased to read that the course is estimated to add 1min to normal times, therefore hoping to go sub 27 in race for life in july!!! fingers crossed!!*
Lichfield RC
24:08 24:08 27:00 27:51 49.91
The running poet Got a better time than I predicted, especially after not running for a fortnight before the race because of problems with my right calf, so chuffed to get around with no problems and to finish within expectations.  I started and finished with Izzy but she galloped off pretty quick at the start and I only caught her right at the end, mainly because I did the last downhill mile in 6:30 according to my Garmin.  The middle section I found tough, a slow slog uphill with a stiff headwind as your reward for getting to the top - and then the rain.  So, given the difficult prep in the weeks before and the conditions on the day, I'm pretty satisfied.  And we met some fellow Fetchites at the start and finish too, which wa san added bonus.
25:06 25:13 26:00 25:13 57.92
Is ARGH, MISSED PB BY FIVE SECONDS! :'( :'( :( Sorry guys :s

But other than that, it was a good race, nice to meet some fetchites and stuff :)
Warwick Uni Triathlon & Road Cycling Club
25:07 25:12 24:30 25:12 55.16
Tigerlily I almost needed a helicopter to get me off that hill on the Great Winter Run.  Not looking forward to it.  Training has gone Pete Tong and not fancying running up that bloody hill again! UPDATE:  Done and dusted.  Weather bloody awful but ran better than I had expected and got my time down by 6 minutes!!  Don't know yet what the official time was but 32 mins sounds good enough for me.  Didn't hang around for the Cross Country Champs..too wet and cold for that.  And as for the 'goodie bag'?  Huh, stereotyped Jimmy Hats.  Poundland crap.  Not a happy bunny!  I put myself through all that agony for rubbish!  Strongly worded letter on way to organisers!
25:18 32:33 40:00 32:33 44.34
Baigrie 2nd Race on same course - happy to beat previous time on a wet and windy day!
28:30 28:30 29:57 28:30 49.39
31:45 31:52 35:00 34:58 42.80
34:00 41:24 42:00 41:55 34.91

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