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Trafford 10K

Listed by Hev
  • Rated 83%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (13)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
APC Pb here too. This is a good course ran it at 42.14 in march so best part of 2 1/2 mins faster this time, all those miles this year must have done some good! This is still a good race...but....what happened at the water station, two people there were trying their best but clearly struggling, its not so good when you have to help yourself from the table. Would have been good to have water near to the finish, not at the sports hall, this is an expensive, well supported race from a good sized club, well done, maybe a little more attention to detail???
39:44 39:44 39:44 68.46
ellew Favourite 10k. I love the course. Five seconds off a PB. I know i can beat it now.  Must try harder!!
49:40 54:59 55:04 52.43
53:12 59:56 1:04:00 59:56 48.04
jmc Gave it some welly in the second half. Am now paying for it with grim diarrhoea
Stockport Harriers & AC
34:44 37:45 37:45 70.58
jolguk I don't know my time yet as I forgot my watch and the results (apart from faster people) aren't out yet. 

But great course, pretty and flat, and contrary to other posters' opinions I like the grassy bit at the end .. it somehow gave me a bit of a spurt. I'd not trained for weeks, as I've just got back from honeymoon, and it was a hot morning (I can't really understand why someone said it was perfect weather), so I was pleased with my estimated time, around 30 seconds slower than my PB, I think.
Dragons RC
42:55 44:54 45:26 63.83
Karate Chop My first PB!!!!   Didn't feel amazing going round the course. Haven't done much running in the last few weeks because of my ankle. I had it strapped up and it didnt cause me any problems apart from when I was running on the canberra of the road, so I made sure I was running on the flatter middle part of the road (probably, much to the annoyance of car users). Its a lovely course to run round. The sun was beating down on me and 'richard 1974' quite a bit, making it hot to run in. I was a bit stop start, but in parts did manage to get up and maintain quite a good speed.l still did my sprint finish which nearly went wrong when a marshall wasn't clearly directing me to the finish. I also wasn't very happy about suddenly having to run on grass to the finish line, especially as it was a little damp. With only a few weeks to go before the Great North Run I didn't want to slip and injure myself. Given how I was feeling, its great to know I achieved a PB on this one, Im sure I definately can do better next time. Thanks to 'richard 1974' for pacing me all the way round the course.
Chorlton Runners
54:57 1:07:49 1:10:00 1:07:49 42.42
Martin H Great race. Loved the course, weather was just right and it seemed to be pretty well organised. Only really decided to do this run at 8 this morning after seeing how many injuries I sustained from playing rugby yesterday. I figured sore shoulders and a dislocated finger were no real excuse !
New PB Wahay!
41:39 47:16 47:30 47:16 55.85
Nexus Icon
Stockport Harriers & AC
32:14 38:36 38:36 68.39
now andyk2708
46:06 46:06 50:00 46:06 58.30
Pink Shoes
55:35 57:56 1:01:00 49.65
RichMallaber A nice easy run round with Grafter, my ankle was a bit sore so the steady pace was good & we got her a PB, so we achieved what we were after. The sprint finish was fun, on the whole I was very pleased, & a lovely course aswell.
43:26 53:40 1:05:00 1:07:46 38.97
RobH Great race, perfect weather. Aim was to try to go under 40 min so to do 38:03 I'm very happy indeed! Was ahead of my intended schedule from the start and felt good almost all of the way.
Manchester Tri
36:12 38:03 38:03 69.38
Should Av Run Quicker I don't expect a miracle as I'm struggling to run fast since turning 40!!!
In the back of my mind I'll hope for a PB, but not this time.

As expected no PB and close to my expected time. Couldn't get going at all, nothing in my legs from 5km, more or less jogged back in and struggled back.
Stockport Harriers & AC
35:27 38:54 39:00 39:14 69.83

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