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Tour of Fife - Loopy Loch 6.3 Mile Trail Race, Lochore Meadows

Mon July 26 2010
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Carnegie Harriers
38:23 38:23 38:23 72.45
Fat Boy Found this race particularly tough.  Felt very tired but hung in there to finish 10th overall.
Carnegie Harriers
38:29 38:29 38:29 75.74
Dan1006 Fairly windy in a lot of places and no big enough groups to hide from it in on the second lap. Happy with my time and prepared better than yesterday's race.
Time improved as a result of being chased hard by another runner and not allowing myself to settle into a comfort zone.
Fife AC
40:43 40:43 40:43 72.16
Fae Fife Another excellent race by Fife with a good mix of terrain and a good location for the second event. Probably ran a bit harder than I should have but never run 2 races on the trot, never mind 6 in seven days!!
44:14 44:14 44:14 70.96
keyring Much improved run following yesterday's efforts and ailments - faster, easier and had a decent finish.
Carnegie Harriers
44:24 46:02 46:02 67.61
Carnegie Harriers
49:55 49:55 49:55 62.03
Torbeg Trotter
Helensburgh AAC
53:01 53:01 53:01 56.32
53:54 53:54 53:54 56.35
SueW Snuck in under the hour.  That'll do
Carnegie Harriers
57:18 57:18 1:00:00 57:18 58.33
jogscotland, Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
59:11 59:11 59:11 51.09
Lady Alburne
Falkland Trail Runners
1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 45.89

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