Scottish Athletics West District XC Championships

Listed by Mr Alf Tupper
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:01 34:47 34:53 78.54
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
42:28 44:59 44:36 61.43
Bellahouston Road Runners
33:44 35:03 35:30 74.48
Cmontheaccies 31st place,decent run as hardly trained and missed start of race( ejit)
Girvan AAC
29:55 33:52 80.90
hannkies Not too bad, deffo on the right track again and felt pretty good although still think I can do a wee bit better. Reverse course to the usual one and a good one, conditions mucky but otherwise fine. Was 52nd.
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:21 36:16 35:18 79.47
Kenyan John
Bellahouston Harriers
44:21 46:15 49:30 66.78
Greenock Glenpark Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
37:56 41:28 43:00 42:12 63.69
Mr Alf Tupper
Greenock Glenpark Harriers
32:28 34:28 32:56 80.16
Scobos Time duff in the results, so making an educated guess as I was just behind the 3 lads sprinting it out...decent enough run, though lack of endurance started to tell in the 3rd lap!!! Shorter than 10k methinks!...more like 6 miles or so.
Shettleston Harriers
33:08 34:42 36:11 76.31
Sunbed Athlete Collection of silver medals today.Glad calf held out too.
Individual V40 2nd place.
Senior team 2nd place as I was 6th counter.
Vets team and 1st counter.
See Blog
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
31:29 31:47 32:27 85.09

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