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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Goring, Woodcote & District 10K

Listed by PeteStockdale
Entrants (20)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Craigy Boy
Reading Joggers
49:15 55:30 1:00:01 46.01
Jane B Much easier (!) than I remember it from two years ago. Although still tough uphill. 8 mins off time so very pleased
Eynsham RoadRunners
52:11 54:51 56:43 52.40
John Tovell
Ranelagh Harriers, Sandhurst Joggers
46:21 52:12 57:30 53.95
Chineham Park Running Club
44:17 46:17 50:00 46:17 58.07
Kew Super pleased with the time. Ran quite within myself and still got to within 2 seconds of my pb ! on that course it's a miracle. A real boost after the hell that was the Bedford half
Reading Joggers
45:40 47:55 49:22 58.91
Maidenhead AC
37:12 44:59 45:00 44:59 60.47
Compton Harriers RC
41:45 41:45 44:50 44:52 70.39
58:59 1:04:22 1:14:00 38.87
1:00:23 1:04:49 1:10:00 42.97
MarkC Enjoyed this - challenging course though, with the final 3k all uphill and a number of other climbs. Ran very much within myself rather than racing it and treated it as a tempo run for Wokingham Half.
41:22 41:35 43:00 44:37 60.58
mitch01 started slower than normal and picked up the pace. ran very well.
Team Kennet
40:16 40:16 43:18 42:24 62.36
Mr. K. 1st 5k easy (22.08) & then came the 2nd 5k - wow what a differance. Good race & have to say good course. Well done to the organisors, course marshalls & race helpers...& all who ran.
Cove Joggers, Windle Valley Runners
43:36 45:14 49:34 54.88
50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners
42:14 57:58 1:02:15 1:03:10 58.92
46:00 47:47 52:09 55.11
35:10 38:14 43:08 61.21
Prof Disco Dean probably the hardest 10k i have done, last 3k very hard with a head wind
Reading Roadrunners
37:58 38:30 41:00 42:08 62.66
1:03:53 1:11:36 1:11:36 44.10
TommyTank Suffered on the hills.  Need to do some hill running if I do this again.
43:00 45:50 45:00 45:50 57.69
ZoStockdale Very happy with this time considering the last 1.5k is just one, very long, fairly steep, hill!
52:43 59:21 1:03:45 45.12

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