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Edinburgh Forthside Half-Marathon

Entrants (25)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ticketyboo Is it possible to be delighted and gutted at the same time?

Knocked 2 1/2 minutes off my PB but didn't realise until I turned the last bend how close to sub 1.20 I was. If I had known I'm sure it would have given me that extra bit off motivation to go a little faster.

Well organised race with no issues to report.

UPDATE - I also set unofficial PB's for 5k, 10k and 10 Miles today and I didn't even have a bet on myself. Damn.
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:14:11 1:20:16 1:23:00 1:20:16 71.73
jp105 1:14:59 chip time and 1:15:02 gun time but I would rather go with the chip time for obvious reasons!! Very good race today.  Well organised and had lots of support on the way round.  Weather was very good and I managed to maintain a decent speed throughout.  A lot better than Alloa 2 weeks ago!
Carnegie Harriers
1:14:59 1:14:59 1:14:59 76.65
biru well what can i say...woopeee....knocked about 4 mins off my PB today:):) found the conditions to be just about perfect...a breeze and cool temperature. felt pretty strong for most of the race, although faded a little with a couple of miles to go. managed a wee burst in the last half a mile or so though;) the race was pretty well organised too....they seemed to have got rid of last years problems.
Edinburgh Athletic Club
1:16:06 1:16:06 1:16:06 75.52
Doonhamer Excellent race this year. Good to see that the organisers took on board all the comments from last year debacle
Linlithgow AAC
1:18:20 1:23:15 1:25:00 1:23:15 69.16
Ally C My second HM and my PB to date for this distance.  Renound for its fast course, it did not disappoint.  Only trouble is I have ran 2 HMs since and been unable to go under 90 mins.  Never mind I will persist.
RAF AC, Moray Roadrunners
1:19:02 1:27:40 1:30:00 1:27:40 66.03
Shettleston Harriers
1:22:03 1:27:31 1:31:33 62.78
Fan E Baws
Springburn Harriers
1:22:57 1:24:54 1:30:34 63.46
Baza Running this purely to see the improvements from last years disaster. Fingers crossed, its looking good so far. 01/04-Update, brilliant race today, so much better organised than last year. Everything looked to have gone like clockwork(apart from my run...lol)
Carnegie Harriers
1:23:13 1:26:03 1:27:00 1:31:46 62.63
Dundee Hawkhill Harriers
1:23:46 1:30:02 1:35:19 65.90
Donald S
Harmeny AC
1:29:10 1:30:25 1:30:25 71.74
Cheddar Running Club
1:30:50 1:32:55 1:32:55 65.23
z1000jeff Wasn't even going to do this one due to severe sciatica but went along to suppoort a friend and took my gear with me just in case. Got changed just in case I felt better with a couple of ibuprofens down me. Line up at the start on the basis that I might be able to hobble along slowly. Set of on the basis that I could always drop out. As this is an out annd back race by the time I reached 5 - 6 miles there was hardly any pooint in dropping out as I'd have to walk back anyway so carried on. Although in the event 1.44 was OK no-one ever likes doing a slow time whatever the circumstaces.  Oh well. There's always next year !
1:35:33 1:39:47 2:00:00 1:44:43 58.84
1:37:59 1:37:59 1:37:59 59.32
santababy this is to lay the ghosts of lasts years atrocious race to rest, i was ashamed of edinburgh last year , worst race i've ever had the displeasure of running
Harmeny AC
1:38:22 1:54:39 1:58:00 1:55:40 55.91
racheybabes Well, not a pb by about 5 mins but took it steady as legs were tired from fridays long run. Managed to do just under 8 min/miles which has given me a bit more confidence for paris' pace. All in all a good day which was well marshalled! Nice to talk to a few CH afterwards aswell :)
1:39:27 1:43:46 1:44:10 60.30
Edinburgh Running Network
1:41:05 1:41:05 1:41:05 59.96
Hirsty This'll be my first half so my prediction is really just a guess.
1:47:52 1:47:52 2:00:00 1:47:52 53.28
RedBen There it is, official time - a full 17 minutes and 12 seconds off my pb!  Absolutely made up and very surprised - shows what you can do with a cold and a 68 hour week at work the week before a race!  Thanks for all the bets and enjoy the credits (thank God I bet on myself!)!
1:49:45 1:49:45 1:59:00 1:49:45 52.58
Ellem Would quite like to be under 1Hr 51. You betting people are making me nervous!!
UPDATE - Yippee a PB by nearly a minute. Great race and so pleased that it went well this year it was well organised and well marshalled. Thoroughly enjoyed that - next time will break the 1:50 mark!! 

Official time now confirmed at 1:50:15
East Lothian Triathlon Club
1:50:15 1:50:15 1:50:00 1:50:15 64.34
1:51:55 1:52:28 2:00:00 1:54:53 55.74
1:54:36 1:54:36 1:54:36 50.15
Cotty67 Waiting for offiicial time but this is time according to my garmin for 13.20!!!
1:57:44 1:57:44 1:57:44 55.23
Hee Jung Woo hoo! A new PB and sub 2hr! Couldn't be happier! Though had to do a 2 from about mile 5, so was really struggling, the result is worth it!
1:59:56 1:59:56 1:59:56 52.83
Big N
2:01:58 2:01:58 2:10:00 2:01:58
DTB, Cake Pimp
Wimbledon Windmilers
2:04:01 2:04:01 2:10:00 2:04:01 50.70

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