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Darlington 10k

Listed by sLickster
  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (31)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Elvet Striders
45:52 46:26 47:30 55.76
42:36 44:18 48:00 48:11 55.52
Anna Bomb
Elvet Striders
44:35 45:02 46:45 45:19 63.48
bigal slower than last year as havnt had time to train properly this year,a couple of heavy showers during the race meant everyone got soaked ,and strangely enough i enjoyed running in it....got to meet Lisrun / durham dawdler and northern snail,was good to put faces to nicknames...
Blackhill Bounders
42:35 43:36 45:32 59.03
1:04:31 1:04:31 1:07:49 38.93
43:49 49:00 48:00 49:00 53.88
Darlington Harriers & AC
40:57 49:12 51:24 51.36
Elswick Harriers
41:11 42:01 45:54 57.71
Scarborough AC
46:41 48:15 55:45 51.97
FfJono Pulled up at 3 and a halk K with ankle problem. Gutted! Apologies to those who had a bet.
42:11 43:12 39:59
Ha! Ha! well pleased..ran 9.06 pace for training on friday.big improvement today  YES!!
North East Veterans AC
42:32 45:25 50:00 49:20 55.53
Trafford AC
33:05 33:18 33:18 80.01
Jenson That was my watch time. Really struggled. A minute slower than last year. Need to pull my finger out and make a few changes to my lifestyle if I want to improve and not go backwards. A wake-up call?

Always good atmosphere, course ok though I can't say I ever enjoy it, rain great..I'll be back next year and I will go around 45 or under. Hopefully, people won't get married the day before, ha ha!
esk vally fell club
43:20 46:26 47:28 61.09
Scarborough AC, Whitby running club
41:58 41:58 43:03 68.68
42:29 43:52 44:17 64.90
Lisrun Not expecting to be fast on this one as I will be recovering from other races *Update* Last of four races in three days and it went surprisingly well. Started at the very back and did a good warm up for my ankle before the start. First mile was slow and then speeded up. Some heavy rain for short periods
100 Marathon Club, North East Marathon Club
45:35 46:54 50:00 50:46 62.20
Quakers RC
33:40 42:05 42:05 62.73
nochickenstrip Bit of a rough one for me, had a bad stomach before starting, first 5k went great last went to pot. Nice T and well organised as usual.
Crook & District AC, Durham Triathlon Club
34:37 35:45 36:23 73.88
51:30 51:30 55:00 51:30 52.49
northernrunner  managed to knock about 50 seconds off my pb over the distance so since march iv knocked just over 3 minutes off my time over 10km so very happy and finished 16th
Blackhill Bounders
34:22 35:25 37:20 35:25 74.79
Esk Valley Fell Club
39:50 42:31 42:31 62.09
Rigel Weird weather - warm and humid, tanked it down at about 5-6km. Soaked to skin but at least it was refreshing! Took it at steady pace to try and avoid further injury to shin splint (wore support while running). No real problem during race but ached afterward under knee.
Redcar RC
48:04 55:12 58:00 57:37 50.03
Redcar RC
45:02 50:57 51:57 52.03
54:58 54:58 50:00 56:45 50.69
1:02:30 1:02:30 1:05:29 40.32
Blackhill Bounders
39:57 40:50 41:12 70.22
Skylonsthelimit well pleased, warm but wet day.
39:41 39:41 40:30 39:43 67.68
sLickster PB by just under a minute, but the start was absolutely terrible (see blog for further detail...)
Team derby runner
39:17 39:42 39:46 39:42 66.50
The Mighty OFK
Quakers RC
43:28 49:18 50:00 49:18 58.77
58:08 58:08 58:08 46.24
Velo Boy
43:22 43:22 50:25 45:28 61.21

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