Dec 2017
9:28am, 28 Dec 2017
18,868 posts
I’m having an issue with my wahoo Bluetooth cadence sensor. Connect fine to my Garmin but some times drops out when using Zwift on iPad, so my avatar cycles at 25rpm! And generally doesn’t read the same as my Garmin.
I’ve updated the firmware via Wahoo Utility app and it was better but still not totally right this morning
Dec 2017
9:52am, 28 Dec 2017
5,968 posts
This is all new a technical to me - my turbo has Bluetooth and ant but my laptop cant find it and connect
Dec 2017
10:06am, 28 Dec 2017
15,948 posts
TRO Toddslayer
WBR Igniter ride for me at 5:30 am :-O, good solid workout at 3w/kg with some efforts above - doing OK in the bunch when my laptop starting trying to run updates (Grrrrrrr.....), by the time I'd leant over to defer until later I'd lost the group and there is absolutely no chance of getting back on....
Dec 2017
9:27am, 30 Dec 2017
224 posts
@Mandymoo, I had to unplug the ant+ USB device from my laptop and restart swift to get to laptop to find my speed and cadence sensors... sounds like your turbo is more smart than mine but it may help your n the ant+ front... not sure bout the BT bit though... good luck
Dec 2017
8:03pm, 30 Dec 2017
5,984 posts
Cheers will have a play tomorrow as looks as though the wind forecast will stop the TT rave
Jan 2018
1:14pm, 2 Jan 2018
5,958 posts
I have a TrainerRoad account that I use for their training plans. The app connects with my turbo and adjusts resistance etc throughout the session. It’s a bit dull tho so I’d like to use both the trainer road app and Zwift at the same time - TR on my phone and Zwift running on a laptop - as TR gives detailed instructions throughout the session.
Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
Jan 2018
1:29pm, 2 Jan 2018
1,119 posts
It is possible. I do know people who do it, not sure why you would though if I'm honest. Just use the Zwift workouts or watch a video whilst doing TR?
You could set Zwift so it reads the speed and watts from the turbo i.e. set it as a sensor rather than a controllable turbo. That way it wont try and control your wattage on hills etc. Although if you are going up hill during a rest period, don't expect to go up very fast :D
Jan 2018
1:34pm, 2 Jan 2018
5,960 posts
Ok thank you
Jan 2018
1:37pm, 2 Jan 2018
18,877 posts
If you select Workouts on Zwift there’s a ‘free’ option, which turns off the hills/drafting if you just want to ‘watch’.
You can also import your own workouts into Zwift, I’m not sure if you can do it direct from TrainerRoad.
Jan 2018
1:45pm, 2 Jan 2018
5,961 posts
Thanks Meg. I’ve input a couple of sessions into Zwift but have a couple coming up that are really detailed and would have been a bit of a nightmare to input plus I’d miss out on the TR instructions.