Sep 2008
11:15pm, 15 Sep 2008
449 posts
Well done fellas I must admit that the Yorkshire mud was a lot tougher than I expected. When I took my shoes off my socks had dissintegrated. But I will be back next year with a vengeance. Ha ha girlies you can laugh now cos I got lost near Hainworth........time approximately 6 1/2 hours but when it gets that bad who cares? It was a bloody tough course and anybody who made it round .......well it was an achievment to be proud of in my eyes. Good one Dave ....the conditions just threw everything into turmoil but you will stuff `em next year pal.
NSC I hope your party went well and your house is still standing and I will see you and Dave etc again at Ilkley or Otley or Haworth or Ackworth or somewhere.....see I think I qualify for a Yorkie passport now.
Sep 2008
11:19pm, 15 Sep 2008
673 posts
Glad you've checked in, SM. Yours was a mighty effort and you can wear your tech. t-shirt with pride.
i reckon Lancashire has mud to rival that of yesterday.
Who was it who said, "What does not kill you makes you stronger?"
Sep 2008
8:05am, 16 Sep 2008
2,068 posts
think you've earned your yorkie passport after getting round that SM
that is one hell of an achievement
Sep 2008
8:07am, 16 Sep 2008
292 posts
Hear, hear. You should be mighty proud of that one, SM.
Have some Parkin.
Sep 2008
8:20am, 16 Sep 2008
858 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Well done SM.
Couldn't face a run this morning, but am hoping to get a track session in tonight. I have a vague idea how long it will be
Sep 2008
8:25am, 16 Sep 2008
293 posts
I'm really knackered this morning - I reckon "working" from home will aid recovery.
Does it have a 4 in the number, YP1?
Sep 2008
8:38am, 16 Sep 2008
859 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
It might do
Sep 2008
8:44am, 16 Sep 2008
1,094 posts
Well done SM, doing the full is a full on achievement!!! (the half is enough!)
Got my PT today for some hell......lasts fordy-five minutes
Sep 2008
8:49am, 16 Sep 2008
1,681 posts
Well done SM - am in awe of anyone who could do the full mara! Wish me luck for fizz today! Can I convince her I wasn't norty?
Sep 2008
8:50am, 16 Sep 2008
860 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
*hides the photos of Treacle*