Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

108 watchers
May 2016
12:34pm, 9 May 2016
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Jet was sitting on my lap as I wrote the last post, having his morning cuddle. Then I got up and started getting ready to go out so he went to find Mr.

At 8.30am Jet threw up all over the carpet in Mr's study. Mr was not pleased because he had a student arriving at 10am. I went out anyway, and suggested Jet should stay quietly in his room. When I popped back in at 11am Jet seemed fine but there was a Bonio in his crate - untouched.

I arrived home a few minutes ago to find Jet waggily carrying one of my trainers around with him. The uneaten Bonio was still in his crate. Mr says the dog has seemed fine, but as Mr's student only left at 12noon he hasn't seen much of Jet. As I write this Jet is burying the Bonio in the back of the sofa. He's doing a *very* thorough job.

Jet would never normally bury anything - leave it until later????

We've smelled the dog food in case a rat or similar had got into the bin (seems unliklely but you never know), but it seems OK to our noses. The Bonio box is kept on top of the refrigerator and Jet has chosen not to eat that either, so bad food seems to be ruled out.

As I was continuing to write Jet retrieved the Bonio from the sofa, and has now hidden it under the blanket in his day bed. .. It looks as if he has no intention of giving it back, even though he doesnt want to eat it now.

He doesn't look quite right to me, but nothing I can explain. Hoping he bounces back tomorrow.
May 2016
12:38pm, 9 May 2016
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It's probably a 24 hour thing Helegant. His Bonio burying antics don't suggest a really poorly dog, just one that's a bit off colour - as evidenced by the upchucking. If he's drinking ok you afford to wait and see.
May 2016
12:39pm, 9 May 2016
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Hopefully it's nothing more than having eaten something (without a human discovering it) that disagreed with him and he's feeling a bit sorry for himself. It does sound like that Bonio is being saved for when he chooses to eat it and every measure must be taken in the meantime to make sure nobody else gets it.

Fingers and paws crossed here that he is soon back to normal
May 2016
12:44pm, 9 May 2016
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Agree with the others - which is what we all suspected, really. The doggie equivalent of a tummy upset. Not 'quite' gastroenteritis!
May 2016
4:19pm, 9 May 2016
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Alice the Camel
I hope Jet gets it out of his system and is 100% tomorrow.
May 2016
5:30pm, 9 May 2016
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Encouraging - after lounging around asleep all day, *not* running around the garden etc, Jet has just eaten the Bonio. :-)
May 2016
5:44pm, 9 May 2016
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Poor Jet - just a bit off colour! I am no use with dogs that eat - Leah has never really bothered about food... Last night's tea is just about to go in the bin. She's had some chicken from our supper and a bit of ham and probably some cat food but rarely bothers with dog food at all. We must throw away far more than she actually eats as we feed her every evening regardless!
May 2016
8:57pm, 9 May 2016
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And even better... when I said 'over, tunnel, weave' to Jet he jumped up and started wagging. We went to agility where he was subdued but willing, and was more succesful than usual becasue he wasn't distracted. He's since eaten his dinner without incident and is asleep on my lap again. :-)
May 2016
9:08pm, 9 May 2016
95 posts
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Good news!
May 2016
9:20pm, 9 May 2016
5,489 posts
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Glad to hear he felt well enough for agility

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