Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

1 lurker | 108 watchers
May 2016
7:59am, 9 May 2016
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No idea Helegant but if it happens again I'd try a new bag of food just in case the food has been contaminated in some way. It may just have been the heat that made him not very hungry, but a normally hearty eater going off their food could be a sign of something amiss - toothache perhaps?
May 2016
8:16am, 9 May 2016
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did he approach the food and then back off? I would suggest that indicates the food is not right.

Did he just not get up when told he could eat? I would suggest he is not well, is he drinking water?
May 2016
8:21am, 9 May 2016
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Did he have a particularly tiring day yesterday and perhaps just didn't fancy breakfast that early?

I can't offer any solutions as such only experiences of my own...
Wanda is fed morning and evening and while she may not have the food drive of a spaniel or Lab she's not *that* far behind - but quite often in the morning, even if she has reminded me that it's breakfast time she sometimes just picks at it until after she has been for a walk/in the garden. Sometimes she needs to get yesterdays 'out of her system' before she eats todays.

Could something have got in his food bowl to make it smell different? Possibly not if Jet's bowl goes in the dishwasher after every feed but ... um... Wanda's doesn't always and hers sits by the washing machine so I'm always aware a drip of washing liquid or something *could* splash on to it.

Otherwise I can't really offer any suggestions better than the very good advice from LD above...
May 2016
8:22am, 9 May 2016
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And D2's as well - who posted while I was posting
May 2016
8:25am, 9 May 2016
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D2 is closest. He approached it and then backed off. We will wait and watch, and see what he does tonight.
May 2016
8:30am, 9 May 2016
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You'll probably get a steer during the day too if opportunities that he would normally take to eat something (whether he's meant to or not ;-) ) are ignored.

Fingers crossed it's nothing to worry about.....
May 2016
9:04am, 9 May 2016
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Alice the Camel
If he approached then backed off that would suggest to me that there's something not quite right with the food.

Something in the air perhaps - after weeks of going to bed with no fuss, Charlie seemed really spooked last night as I left him. He barked and whined along with door scratching for about 10 minutes before I went back downstairs to check. He was very happy to snuggle up next to me on the sofa and go to sleep. The barking started again as soon as I went back upstairs, but thankfully he settled again pretty quickly. Seems right as rain this morning!
May 2016
9:13am, 9 May 2016
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Jess is a complete hoover of any food on the ground. She always eats her meals straight away.

The couple of occasions - when she has seemed uninterested but perhaps accepted a little morsel by hand, with the manner of a suffering tragedy queen, 'just the tiniest spec then, Hel...' she's been under the weather rather than all out ill. And right as rain a day later.

I'm sure you're wait and watch approach is right.
May 2016
9:14am, 9 May 2016
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'YOUR' not 'you're'.
May 2016
10:12am, 9 May 2016
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Don't let Charlie learn to 'call' you back downstairs for a cuddle Alice ;-) Although having said that Wanda starting barking at 1am last night and no amount of shouting 'Shush Wanda' from upstairs resolved it.
I went downstairs and she was curled up in her bed - she gave me a very small wag of the tail and a look that said 'I'm trying to sleep please don't come downstairs in the middle of the night and disturb me.....' I went back to bed and there was no more barking!

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