Apr 2016
11:04am, 19 Apr 2016
9,167 posts
Oh I should add we did loads and loads of on lead for ages when she was a puppy - then used the retractable or a lunge lead, gradually introducing more and more off lead as we became more confident. She usually has at least one LONG (1:30 - 2 hour) all on lead walk per week - the other walks are mixed.
Apr 2016
12:39pm, 19 Apr 2016
8,803 posts
Clearly I have to just HTFU and take her for more lead walks..... my life will just have to be on hold till she is two.
Apr 2016
3:02pm, 19 Apr 2016
5,416 posts
We are just back from class with our 'old' trainer. We won't be going on a Tuesday afternoon again as the other dogs taking the gold test all go on a Thursday evening and to a different (and nearer for me) village hall, which is where the actual test will be held anyway. So from next week we will join them for a couple of weeks and hope Wanda gets used to them in the short time that we will have. Fingers and paws crossed .....
Apr 2016
3:36pm, 19 Apr 2016
8,804 posts
Best of luck!
Apr 2016
5:47pm, 19 Apr 2016
3,033 posts
We went to Ashridge today to see the bluebells, but are a few days early. Jet had the most marvellous time tracking deer (no, he didn't get anywhere near them) and running in large circles at great speed with his tail in the air. He embodied the joy of being alive. And... he came back every time I called him. Result!
Apr 2016
6:10pm, 19 Apr 2016
5,417 posts
Well done Jet
Apr 2016
8:38pm, 19 Apr 2016
2,327 posts
I've said this before but we walked Leah for miles on the lead. Three walks a day. She eventually got very good recall but it took a long time...
Apr 2016
8:45pm, 19 Apr 2016
2,671 posts
Alice the Camel
Lead walkers - do you have your dogs walking to heel all the time? We're just back from training and it occurred to me that I don't make young Charlie walk nicely apart from at class - usually I'm just pleased if he'll walk without continually sniffing/lying down. He also failed spectacularly at jumping over little hurdles, but that's another story.
Apr 2016
9:17pm, 19 Apr 2016
14,497 posts
You know he's good at jumping onto the sofa though, Alice, so he just needs to get used to the idea of long jump instead of high jump - Sharkie can give him some tips, perhaps
Apr 2016
9:19pm, 19 Apr 2016
9,168 posts
I used 'walk' and 'heel' when I was teaching Jess, Alice. Heel is the strict nose to knee thing, walk is just 'walk nice' really = and what we do most of the time she's on a lead with me as I use a very short lead with her - so she's never far ahead or behind anyway.
On our long pavement walks I generally let her stop and sniff everything. Bit boring for me but it's her walk after all! It's obviously much more fun when she's off lead as I can stride out or whatever. If she investigates something I just carry on walking ... she always comes bounding up at lightening speed Especially (as i've said) if I'm out of sight.
It was a leap of faith at first but I never worry now.