Mar 2016
1:17pm, 1 Mar 2016
21,267 posts
Dave A
A month on from the behaviourist and things continue to improve. They can now be left in the front room by themselves and most of the time they will stay on the floor. We are booked in next week to see him about obedience training. Or, more to the point, he's going to train us to look after them.
Mar 2016
1:37pm, 1 Mar 2016
13,477 posts
Good progress, Dave.
Flossie and Bella are both good when it comes to being towelled off after our walks. Just as well, as we usually spend a good 15 minutes of our usual morning walk with me throwing a ball for Bella and a stick for Flossie in the big pond that forms every winter in one of the fields. The water is just the right depth for Flossie - almost but not quite out of her depth. By the time she's jumped in and around in it though she's thoroughly drenched!
Mar 2016
1:37pm, 1 Mar 2016
8,879 posts
'Drying Jess' is far too long a saga to attempt while I'm on a train with intermittent internet access.
She does have a fine cape - must find the pic of which Raffo swears Jess is dead spit of Her Madge in the Antoni whatsit portrait.
Mar 2016
1:40pm, 1 Mar 2016
13,479 posts
Oh yes I think you've posted that one Sharkie - I'd love to see it again Raffo's absolutely right, she does!
Mar 2016
1:46pm, 1 Mar 2016
8,880 posts
In the mean time LD I think it's time for another showing of perhaps what's still my favourite Flossie pic.... You know, the pond one. not that she'd been anywhere near a pond.
Mar 2016
1:48pm, 1 Mar 2016
19,028 posts
Red Squirrel
Yay! Pics - bring 'em on.
Mar 2016
1:49pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,551 posts
Alice the Camel
I'm glad things are improving Dave. I've just been reading about the palaver you had with Cookie when first got him - I'm now wondering if I need to get pet insurance!
I can't imagine taking a dog for a walk and it turning into a swim... well not this little dog, anyway!
Please do post Sharkie - all your photos from the start of the thread are unavailable now unfortunately. I feel I've missed out!
Mar 2016
1:49pm, 1 Mar 2016
5,211 posts
Glad to hear you are making progress with them Dave
It's on days like today that I am grateful to own a short haired dog who doesn't particularly like water/swimming. The one Battersea originally suggested we take was a different story altogether. Our worst occasions for washing/drying/grooming have been on the rare (and in future non existent) occasions where Wanda has been off her lead near the estuary when the tide is out exposing all the mudflats at the end of which there is a distant seagull
Mar 2016
1:58pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,889 posts
ATC if it helps Marvin was a nightmare at puppy class, wouldn't do a thing he was meant to do and had to be taken to another room to actually complete any tasks - way too interested in playing and what was going on around him. He is now the most obedient dog and lovely with it.
He is clipped regularly and loves to be dried, will go and sit by the hairdryer waiting lol, he loves to be brushed too.
Mar 2016
2:01pm, 1 Mar 2016
7,087 posts
George gets a shower after almost every walk at this time of the year. Fortunately for him, my mum allows him to have a warm one in her walk-in shower. He used to be reluctant but he walks straight into the shower and positions himself correctly to have his muddy belly and legs washed. He just about holds still enough to be towel-dried afterwards and then charges off down the stairs and tears around like a mad thing with his toys for 15 mins before he flakes out in his chair.
Glad you had another successful evening with the puppies, Alice. You're progress with P & C is very interesting, Dave. Look forward to hearing more.