Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

108 watchers
Feb 2016
10:27am, 29 Feb 2016
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And puppy recall as LD suggested to D2 (which you will almost certainly do at class if you haven't yet) is another good one to try if you can
Feb 2016
10:57am, 29 Feb 2016
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Alice the Camel
I heart this thread, it's become my doggy encyclopaedia. Thanks again lovely people for all the suggestions.

Baroness, I haven't actively done anything about the night time whining/scratching. Having read that I'm supposed to ignore it, that's what I've dilligently done although it really tears at the heartstrings! I've been doing the "sitting with him for half an hour" thing, he settles nicely but, as with toddlers, his eyes ping open as soon as I start to move away.

Last night I left him in the dining room (where we spend most of the day) with the utility door wide open (don't tell MrAtC), he still complained but only briefly. But there was a huge wee on the carpet when I got up this morning, he hadn't bothered to go to the paper in the utility room. I'm not sure if it's confusing to be changing the rules now. Do you think it's too late to start crate training? More to the point, do you think it would WORK? Perhaps I'm giving him too much space by adding the dining room to his night time area.....worry...worry...
Feb 2016
11:44am, 29 Feb 2016
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I don't think its too late to start crate training but my suggestion would be to build up the times and durations for which he is left in the crate rather than get a crate and then just leave him in it at night or when you go out. So first get the crate and leave it in the room where you spend a lot of time with the door open and his bed inside it and when he goes in say 'crate' and give him lots of praise. Once he settles into his bed then start shutting the door, and build that up.

Then maybe leave him shut in the crate to have a nap while you are elsewhere in the house and then at night leave his bed in the crate with the crate door open so that he sleeps in there (hopefully without being shut in.)

I lived next door to a woman who got a dog and (based only on what I could hear going on in her house through the wall!!) put him in the crate all day while she went to work but never at other times (I am pretty sure he didn't sleep in it at night). So he had her undivided attention all the time and then got shoved into a little crate for 8 hours while she was at work. He cried and howled all day and it was pitiful to hear, but when I knocked on her door to mention it she got very defensive and said 'you can't make me get rid of him'.. all very odd, in her position I think I'd have wanted to know if my dog was distressed all day so I could do something about it.

Hence I think building up to being crated is probably a good idea and it's not just that horrible place that he has to go in when you are leaving him either to go out or for the night, but is instead perceived as his nice, private safe place where he can go for peace and quiet.

But others who have crate trained puppies from an early age may have better advice than listening to a neighbour's distressed puppy through a wall :-o
Feb 2016
12:06pm, 29 Feb 2016
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It is very very hard AtC.....hang on....... back later..
Feb 2016
12:34pm, 29 Feb 2016
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HUGE excitement here as I glanced out of the window and spied a rat making his way up to the bird feeder. Our neighbours had mentioned they had seen one in their garden last week.

Wanda shot down the garden but he got away - however a detailed patrol of the perimeter fence is being conducted. I have shut the door to the garden to ensure that no 'trophies' are brought inside should there be one at any time soon :-o
Feb 2016
1:01pm, 29 Feb 2016
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Alice the Camel
Rat catcher! Just what every home needs! Go Wanda...

Just back from a slooooow dawdle round the village. Being positive, I met loads of people who I've never spoken to before, it's like having a baby again! Everyone stops to admire the puppy :-)

Crate question - one that's just big enough for the dog, or one a bit bigger so that it's more like a mini playpen?
Feb 2016
1:15pm, 29 Feb 2016
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That's a horrible story Baroness (the crate not the rat). The idea with crates - as the Baroness says -is that the dog sees it as a special safe place - think of it as a cave rather than a crate Alice!

Totally agree with the Baroness' advice, which is great as always! I think Helegant (who is not posting during Lent) still has a crate for Jet .. who is a *very* happy and (generally) obedient little dog.
Feb 2016
1:17pm, 29 Feb 2016
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The one we got for Wanda was quite big, which probably wasn't the best thing to do as we hardly ever use it because it is too big to have up all the time and too cumbersome to transport about. Your dog trainer/vet/pet shop will probably be able to suggest what would be the best size for Charlie.
Feb 2016
1:22pm, 29 Feb 2016
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Alice the Camel
We're at the vet's for Puppy Party tonight so I'll get their input. Thank you again for your help and advice :-)

Hopefully they won't mind him turning up smelling like a brewery - he jumped into the dishwasher just as I was loading a glass complete with remnants of cherry beer .
Feb 2016
2:25pm, 29 Feb 2016
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Oh Alice! :) As I was saying it is very hard and just like having a baby again. It will be worth it in the end.

My advice as someone who has had a lot of dogs in my life is stick to whatever decision you made, the cage thing for example; you decided probably for very valid reasons why your pup should sleep where he does, don't change it just because he is crying. If you change it he will cry somewhere else..........

I'm afraid you do have to be a little hard hearted on some issues, choose your fights. I always think of children and the particular 'no' that one would use to stop your child running in the road is probably different to the 'no' you would use about borrowing ones lipstick! :)

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