Feb 2016
2:25pm, 29 Feb 2016
19,026 posts
Red Squirrel
Good old Jamie Shanks at that liver cake link. I love his site and blog.
I make his v basic liver treats (slow-baked liver cut into squares when cooled). The dogs in my care go mad for it and several others who have benefited from a handout now won't leave me alone when I walk through the woods! There's a Gordon Setter in particular who will stick its head under my waterproof to try to get to my trouser pocket. The owner's mortified.
Mar 2016
12:09pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,548 posts
Alice the Camel
Puppy party number 2 last night. A different selection of puppies, our Charlie was the biggest there! He was his usual boistrous self, the others preferring to sit quietly on laps and doze. I have a real job holding him if he wants to be off - he's a proper wriggler. The lovely vet assistants could see me struggling and let Charlie have first go at sniffing round the room. He calmed down as the evening went on and was certainly better behaved than last week. The vet lady said he was a lovely, friendly, sociable young pup and I shouldn't feel embarrassed that he wanted to make friends with everyone.
This morning he's been to the groomers for the first time and apparently behaved beautifully. He hasn't been properly groomed yet, but they bathed and hair-dried him, cut his nails and clipped the hair away from his eyes. He's now zonked out, fast asleep under the table.
Mar 2016
12:10pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,755 posts
Red Ant
Oh he sounds like such a beautiful
Mar 2016
12:15pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,549 posts
Alice the Camel
He is lovely, Red Ant, really he is. I'm focusing on the positives today - thinking about what he *can* do rather than all the training exercises we're so far failing at. Sharkie made me think yesterday when she commented that he's still a baby. She's spot on - at 14 weeks he's very young still, so in the great scheme of things he's doing really well
Mar 2016
12:17pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,550 posts
Alice the Camel
My carpets need hoovering - the bits stick to his white fluff.
Mar 2016
12:20pm, 1 Mar 2016
2,756 posts
Red Ant
I know how you feel about the hair - Dexter sheds loads! Agree with what Sharkie said - he is doing really well and it's lovely that he is so friendly and sweet natured
Mar 2016
12:21pm, 1 Mar 2016
8,602 posts
OMG I cant believe how lucky you are to have a dog who will go to groomers AtC, I cant go anywhere near mine with a brush, towel to dry, cloth to dry feet etc. Actually it one of the thing on my long list to ask trainer this afternoon.
Mar 2016
12:24pm, 1 Mar 2016
5,209 posts
That all sounds great Alice. So glad he was a good boy at the groomers too
The weather here is dreadful and Wanda is very much a fair weather dog - I had to trick her to go into the garden this morning because it got to about 11am and she hadn't been out to do anything so I had to resort to opening the back door and saying 'I think there's a big birdie in the garden' which got her outside then stood outside with her with the door shut until she worked out the real reason for us both being out in the wet and cold was. Luckily she will 'do a wee' on command so we weren't outside for too long!
Mar 2016
12:26pm, 1 Mar 2016
5,210 posts
D2 Wanda isn't especially keen on being towel dried. We now put a towel on the floor by the back door and when she comes in ask her to sit on it so that if nothing else the feet do get the very worst of the wet off them. She will also give her paw quite nicely so we can dry the front paws usually but the back feet have to rely on how long she can be persuaded to sit on the towel (mat) for!
Mar 2016
1:15pm, 1 Mar 2016
21,266 posts
Dave A
Ours aren't overkeen on being dried. They will tolerate it, but will also hide from the towel when they see it.
We have Cookie clipped every so often, no issues reported by the groomer. A couple of months ago we had to shower them both due to mud. Phoebe, who just sheds hair, squirmed. Cookie, who is well practised, just sat there and let us wash him