Jun 2020
1:40pm, 11 Jun 2020
30,410 posts
Flossie has particular spots, both in the garden (as witnessed by the brown patches on the lawn) and out on our regular walks. It makes life a lot simpler because we know and get ready with the poobag so there's minimal interruption in our progress
Jun 2020
2:38pm, 11 Jun 2020
31,415 posts
Ernie has certain spots when we walk locally. Often very near the beginning of the walk which means I can get rid of the bag before I start running often.
Jun 2020
8:04pm, 14 Jun 2020
16,601 posts
watching Countryfile and falling in love with the wired haired Viszlas (sorry Tuss )
Jun 2020
2:59pm, 16 Jun 2020
30,441 posts
Phone call from the vet. All well and Floss did not need the tooth extracting. In fact she said she didn't think it was too bad at all and was probably not the cause of the inflamed/inflected gum, so stick-chewing is a more likely culprit. Phew
Jun 2020
3:05pm, 16 Jun 2020
16,617 posts
Phew indeed
Ralph is obviously getting a little bored with short walks, no visits to grandma and no camping or holidays.
I needed to tidy up the cupboard under the stairs where my camping kit is - it's been buried under the usual stuff that gets thrown in there instead of put away or binned. So I thought I'd put little tent up in the garden to check it. Ralph looked so excited - went straight in when I opened the zip and refused to come out again. He looks so pissed off now that everything is all bagged up and back in the cupboard.
Jun 2020
3:16pm, 16 Jun 2020
4,420 posts
Alice the Camel
I think you should camp out in the garden overnight with him, Rosehip. Give him a treat!
Great news about Flossie, LD.
Jun 2020
3:19pm, 16 Jun 2020
16,157 posts
Jess liked London!
Less noise from her in the middle of the night. She gets annoyed at the seagull chicks tap dancing on the roof. Just a very loud dawn chorus to contend with here! Oh and the foxes but they were relatively quiet on Sunday night. She's gone back to the seaside now.
Jun 2020
3:20pm, 16 Jun 2020
16,158 posts
Yep, really good Flossie didn't need an extraction. x
Jun 2020
3:24pm, 16 Jun 2020
3,431 posts
Good news re Flossie
Jun 2020
3:26pm, 16 Jun 2020
11,537 posts
Oh that's good, LD LOL at poor Ralph