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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

111 watchers
Jun 2020
2:46pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Oops, and I bet he looked at you as if to say “it weren’t me Dad”
Jun 2020
3:50pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Yep, that's puppies for you!

Floss also escaped from the kitchen and appeared on our bedroom at about 4am this morning. She was more than happy to snuggle down on the duvet with us and we all had a nice lie-in :-)
Jun 2020
4:00pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Ernie somehow managed to open the vestibule door on Friday and appeared on the driveway whilst I was faffing with roof bars. They are little horrors sometimes aren’t they.
Jun 2020
8:25am, 22 Jun 2020
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While we are on the subject of bad dogs....(only momentarily bad as I'm sure they soon turn back into the best dog in the world) Wanda caught and killed another young blackbird in the garden on Saturday. The poor parent blackbirds have lost so many of this year's chicks - not all of them to Wanda though - one entire nest was decimated by magpies but Wanda has caught at least 3 despite our best efforts. We think she does understand now that it's a 'bad' thing to do but her prey drive is too overwhelming sadly.
Jun 2020
3:10pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Hiya, as you may have seen, we’re adopting Boots, a rescue lurcher, on Saturday.

I think we have everything we’ll need, and lots of books to read for the many questions and concerns that’ll arise in the coming weeks, but there are three points we’re chewing over:
1. Should we crate him now or should we wait to see what behaviour he displays?
2. We don’t intend to let him upstairs generally but would it be a good idea on his first night when he’s likely to be unsettled?

And 3. How do you dispose of dog poo? I’m thinking of a wormery or one of the mini sceptic tanks. I’m an avid composter so the wormery appeals but it seems complicated. Do the sceptic tanks work.

Jun 2020
3:38pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Alice the Camel
Not an expert but all I will say is start as you mean to go on! We decided not to have Charlie upstairs, the first few weeks were hard work but he now sleeps happily in the kitchen/diner. I’m sure if we had let him upstairs at the start, he’d be still sleeping upstairs now :-)
Jun 2020
5:14pm, 22 Jun 2020
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My folks had a mini septic tank in their garden when they had a dog (RIP Sally-collie-dog, you were a star)

They still don't seem that common, but ASAIR it worked ok
Jun 2020
5:15pm, 22 Jun 2020
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(ASAIR? goodness knows - as fas as I remember)
Jun 2020
5:49pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Like Alice says start as you mean to go on - if he is not sleeping upstairs then there is no 'just this once.' Dogs seem to quite like things to be black or white with no grey areas. I would have the crate up and available to him (if you have space) so he can get used to it as a safe place - you may find a blanket over it gives him extra security.

We did not allow Wanda out of our kitchen/utility room for her first few days with us and would spend time in other parts of the house ourselves so she got used to being left alone. We slowly allowed access to the rest of the downstairs once we had established she had been house-trained (the kitchen and utility room have tiled floors everywhere else has carpets!!) but always had a stair gate across the stairs.

When the time came that we needed the stairgate for something else and thought that she understood she wasn't allowed upstairs we removed it and at the first opportunity she was up there although she knows that she is supposed to sleep in the kitchen at night still (but that doesn't always happen either!)
Jun 2020
6:17pm, 22 Jun 2020
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We used to have a 'septic tank' but I was never convinced it worked well enough. We have a big garden with a number of -ahem- wild areas, so we bury the poo in a rotation of area.

If you don't want Boots upstairs you *must* set that boundary right from the start. Dogs are happy enough to accept a boundary (eventually!)

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