Jun 2020
8:19pm, 3 Jun 2020
16,399 posts
not drinking much is a bit of a worry could be a seed that's taken a bit of time to get lodged somewhere uncomfortable - but eating dinner is a good sign
Jun 2020
11:16pm, 3 Jun 2020
11,700 posts
Oh dear, I hope she is feeling better tomorrow.
Jun 2020
8:43am, 4 Jun 2020
30,328 posts
Morning. Floss seems no worse, but not really significantly better. She ate her breakfast in three separate visits to her bowl, but hasn't responded as she normally would to mentions of 'walk' so we're staying home for the time being at least. However to get some fluid into her we put some milk down in one of her drinking bowls and that was consumed with gusto! Toilet functions are all normal. Watchful waiting continues to be our approach. I do wonder about the grass seed scenario - the fields where we walked yesterday are full of grasses in nose height 'bloom'.
Jun 2020
9:42am, 4 Jun 2020
11,402 posts
Glad you've got some fluids down her x
Jun 2020
12:11pm, 4 Jun 2020
8,314 posts
Glad she's had some fluids and that what is going in is also coming out OK too. Can you mix more water in with her food to encourage the fluids too. Wanda doesn't drink as much as she should and sometimes is a bit if not dehydrated certainly less hydrated that is healthy so I tend to put a bit of water in with her food. At least you have got another day to consider whether vet is the next option and hopefully won't have to use the out of hours service! Fingers and paws crossed here for improvement
Jun 2020
12:47pm, 4 Jun 2020
11,702 posts
Oh that's a worry LD, good she has drunk some milk though. Watchful waiting sounds sensible
Jun 2020
1:17pm, 4 Jun 2020
30,330 posts
Lunchtime bulletin - slow improvement in her demeanour, I'd say - she wagged her tail more enthusiastically when OH returned from his bike ride and jumped off the kitchen sofa to eat the remaining portion of breakfast just now. But not the usual dog at all. I'm wondering now if something she drank in the field stream yesterday might be the root cause, despite there being no gastric issues. That or a grass seed, but I think if it was that she would be getting worse rather than better if it was lodged somewhere problematic? I've had another look in her mouth and still can't see anything amiss. (Thank you, Good Citizen training, for making sure she knew it ok for me to have a good look in her mouth!!)
Jun 2020
5:12pm, 4 Jun 2020
11,703 posts
any improvement is good to hear about. Its so difficult to know what to do for the best when you have no idea what's wrong, such a worry for you. Hoping for continued improvement
Jun 2020
1:22pm, 5 Jun 2020
11,706 posts
~How is she today LD?
Jun 2020
1:35pm, 5 Jun 2020
30,340 posts
Getting better, thanks D, but still not 100%. She is still looking sorry for herself at times, but she came upstairs to say hello to me after her breakfast, and was happy to go for a decent hill walk with OH. I guess when we humans have a bug or something it can take a day or two to fully bounce back. As it's certainly an upward trend we won't bother the emergency vet this weekend!