Dec 2018
3:10pm, 24 Dec 2018
27,190 posts
halfpint of mulled cider
Gorgeous pup. My next door neighbour has 2 chocolate labs. They are the loveliest, softest lumps. Bisto greets me enthusiastically whenever we meet in the morning.
Dec 2018
9:39am, 25 Dec 2018
22,099 posts
Dave A
If anyone on here has an Instagram account, Dogs Trust Kenilworth did a live video of the dogs opening their presents this morning.
Dec 2018
10:23am, 26 Dec 2018
7,432 posts
The empty sprout stalk was a bit hit with Wanda yesterday.
She carried it around the house sweeping anything at dog head height on tables (bowls of crisps, drinks, presents) to the floor.
Then she shredded it so we've been picking up tiny bits of sprout stalk from everywhere this morning
And we discovered this morning that she obviously ate some of it as well because ...*TMI warning*.... it looks just the same when it comes back up again as it did going down....
Happy Boxing Day!
Dec 2018
10:56am, 26 Dec 2018
27,198 posts
halfpint of mulled cider
Haha! I think the words ‘for gods sake Ernie get out of the way’ were uttered a record number of times. He was in amongst the present unwrapping, giving kisses to anyone who happened to be on the floor, investigating the babies, under my parents feet in the kitchen. He was lovely with the babies and actually calmly lay beside one of them, who then tugged his beard.
Dec 2018
11:38am, 26 Dec 2018
6,130 posts
Hark the Helegant Angels Sing
Jet spent yesterday in the back of a car, warmly curled up on a bed with a foil blanket underneath. We took him out every hour during the festivities, and oddly he seemed like a very happy dog in the evening. One mad game of 'shred the wrapping paper' and he went to sleep on Mr.
Dec 2018
6:26am, 27 Dec 2018
22,100 posts
Dave A
A couple of tired hounds here too. A night at my in laws means they get to sleep on hoomin beds. The nieces and other family round means they don’t settle. Raw beef ribs and cooked ham as treats makes for unsettled tums and interesting smells 😀
I was able to have a break from it with a few hours at work.
Dec 2018
6:28am, 27 Dec 2018
22,101 posts
Dave A
Speaking of work, Moana says ‘Hi’.
Dec 2018
7:03am, 27 Dec 2018
5,893 posts
Aww, Moana is cute. Rory got me up at 5.20 this morning. I’m quite happy that we are going home today.
Dec 2018
8:17am, 27 Dec 2018
27,205 posts
halfpint of mulled cider
We’ve been at my Mum’s for 4 nights. Ernie has been in my room at night but under strict instructions that he’s not allowed on the bed. He has been brilliant. Slept in his own wee bed all night.
Dec 2018
8:17am, 27 Dec 2018
25,042 posts
The three dogs in our immediate family got together for the first time on Christmas Day evening. It got off to a very bad start when Cooper (BC) arrived, very hungry for his dinner and after a long day in new-to-him places. He bounded in to the living room (with hindsight we should have had him on-lead for a calmer meeting), tried to take a squeaky chicken leg from Hattie the labradoodle pup and when she didn't give it up instantly really went for her He was hauled off PDQ of course but Hattie was terrified and took a while to stop squealing and shaking. It doesn't really help that son1's partner is a very anxious 'parent' and inclined to pick her up rather too much.
Anyway, peace was restored, Cooper had his dinner, Hattie stopped squealing and became quite keen on getting to know Cooper better as the evening went on. Flossie was unperturbed by the whole thing .
On Boxing Day we took the three out for a good longish walk and Hattie was clearly a big fan of Cooper and he was perfectly behaved. Phew.
However, he had a go at a French bulldog at day care last week . He's going for neutering next week and with luck that'll nip this bullying tendency in the bud. I do hope so.