Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

107 watchers
Dec 2017
9:56pm, 12 Dec 2017
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Wobbling in a winter wonderland
When Pippa first came to live with Mum, (a dog who is knee height and I’m only 5’2”), jumped from ground level to the back of a worktop to demolish left over coleslaw.
Dec 2017
10:07pm, 12 Dec 2017
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Shark the Herald Angel
Funny how differnt the dogs are - Ralph is obvs like Jess. We have a small open dish of the crunchy fish cubes on the counter. She will do all mannerof tricks to earn one but has never tried to get the dish (she's a big atheltic dog- she easily could)

(as I'm sure I've noted before) she will eat anything, just anything off the pavement and in the hedgrows and fields and on the beach. And people aren't half slobby with food in our takeaway infested main street.
Dec 2017
10:11pm, 12 Dec 2017
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Whereas Ernie will eat anything anywhere at any time. He is forever munching on something unidentifiable. Any unusual noises in the house fill me with dread as they are invariably him trying to get to some sort of food, or something that might just potentially contain something even remotely resembling food. Christmas is going to be fun with a load of visitors including a toddler.
Dec 2017
10:25pm, 12 Dec 2017
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Wobbling in a winter wonderland
You should be ok HP, i doubt he’d eat a toddler.
Dec 2017
6:57am, 13 Dec 2017
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Deck the Halls Daisy
Dec 2017
6:58am, 13 Dec 2017
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Deck the Halls Daisy
No obvious ill effects from the box of chocolates, but still watching for any problems!
Dec 2017
9:45am, 13 Dec 2017
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Ha ha, Wobbling :-)

It’s funny, Rory’s dried food is kept in an alcove on the floor. He knows that’s what it is, and he’s on his own for several hours every day, but he’s never tried stealing it even though he easily could. But my dog walker told me yesterday that he often ‘asks’ her to give him some at lunch time (I’ve never fed him at lunch time). What a weirdo. :-)
Dec 2017
10:15am, 13 Dec 2017
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Shark the Herald Angel
Not a weirdo at all - a clever, typically opportunist dog!

I'm sure D2 won't mind my sharing this:

As you all know Indi has impeccable manners and is a beautifully trained dog. When we went up to Derbyshire D2 said, 'Sorry Raffo but dogs do NOT get food - or plates to lick at my table.' She knew Raffo was the real soft touch.

However. I had made friends with Indi while Jess wasn't looking. He had gone on for the big lean and then put his paws on my shoulders. When we all sat round the table (and there was CHEESE on offer) sure enough Indi did not pester D2... but a large furry black nose nudged my elbow and a pair of big brown eyes looked beseechingly up at me, and at the cheese.

It was very funny. He so obviously thought ... well, worth a try!
Dec 2017
11:34am, 13 Dec 2017
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Red Squirrel
That's a lovely Rory story.

Belle the whippet cross is crazy for cheese and can smell it from miles away. When she comes to stay, she'll chill out happily in her basket after a big walk, but as soon as I start prepping with any sorta cheese (usually Parmesan), she's over and milling around my legs.
Dec 2017
12:12pm, 13 Dec 2017
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It's carrot for Ernie. If I am chopping up carrots he just has to have some.

I love that our dogs are intelligent enough to try it on.

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