Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

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Dec 2017
10:16am, 9 Dec 2017
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Oh goodness H... he is a "little monkey" but at least the trip to the vet will hopefully see him fighting fit and put your mind at rest. let us know asap how he is... hugs xx
Dec 2017
1:05pm, 9 Dec 2017
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Back at last, poorer.

One chemical level is raised but not enough to panic as it can also be caused by his breakfast (this wasn't a fasting test). Conservative advice says to book him into the emergency vet hospital for 48 hours of iv fluids.

We could have got a definitive answer re food/poison had I been able to capture a urine sample from him. I'll leave your imagination to fill the gaps but the ingredients were a dog with his legs crossed, a frosty field, a small bottle and unfounded optimism.

I've gone for a more realistic answer which I hope is kinder to Jet. I've agreed to keep a close eye on him over the weekend and to take him back on Monday for another blood test. I have the number for the emergency service should he deteriorate.

Right now I'm thinking that he has had yet another lucky escape and that having stayed up with him all night I really need to catch up on some sleep.
Dec 2017
2:18pm, 9 Dec 2017
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Blimey! I think I might just ban all dog toxic items from the house. I'm not sure I could handle the stress. He did eat about quarter of a tube of paprika Pringles recently. It seems like you are taking a sensible approach.
Dec 2017
2:24pm, 9 Dec 2017
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When I think back to the times Jet has eaten stuff that will harm him I wish I knew a way to stop him from scavenging. :-(

There are times when I wish I'd followed the old farmer's trick of putting mustard in raw meat and leaving it out for the dog.

Jet sees 'leave it' as a sign that the prize is high-value.
And yes, if I could persuade Mr to work with me then it would be worth throwing out all the worst food offenders.
Dec 2017
2:36pm, 9 Dec 2017
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My mum did the mustard thing with our dog, who used to clear the plate of biscuits when my parents went to see guests out. Ernie is awful. He is always looking for food. We can't leave anything out.
Dec 2017
3:50pm, 9 Dec 2017
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I hope he continues to be ok
Dec 2017
7:35pm, 9 Dec 2017
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Deck the Halls Daisy
Sorry Helegant I've only just caught up with this. Flossie ate a kilo of dried fruit :-0. It took less than 48 hours - just over 24 IIRC - for her to get really poorly (vomiting and clearly feeling dreadful.)

I'm sure Jet will be fine but I too would be watching him like a hawk!
Dec 2017
8:09pm, 9 Dec 2017
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Thanks LD. Having that info is very useful. I mentioned the 48 hours to the vet and she agreed, if he makes it past that then he'll probably be OK. I may stay up with him again tonight just to be on the safe side.
Dec 2017
8:15pm, 9 Dec 2017
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Oh H.... feeling for you
Dec 2017
8:23pm, 9 Dec 2017
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I'm staying positive. The blood test results were mostly OK and Jet didn't have kidney pain when he was examined. The vet said that there is no evidential pattern to which dogs survive and which are seriously affected. I'm rather hoping that his scavenging nature will also come with an element of genetic resistance to nasty stuff.
Mr has offered to stay up with him tonight.

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